Friday, March 08, 2019

Video: Girl Fight in Bronx McDonald’s: One Female Worker Attacks Female Colleague

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The attack was on February 21, at a Norwood McDonald’s, at Perry Ave. and E. 204th St.

It looks like the tall, skinny, bewigged attacker Shania Slade, 18, is a light-skinned black, while the shorter but heftier attackee is Hispanic. The black girl got in the first few licks, by virtue of starting the fight, but the Spanish girl fought her to at least a draw. Slade has been arrested.


Peteforester said...

Another case of "Guess the race..."

Anonymous said...

We need a diverse work staff. Just keep saying that to yourself over and over.

Anonymous said...

And just when you thought it was safe to buy a burger at McDonald's. Notice how they laugh and think the unnecessary violence is normal? These are truly sick people. Thank you for reminding me to stay away from the black feeding stations.

There was a McDonald's on 6th Avenue between Waverly Place and 8th Street in the City - Two black women employees jumped over the counter to assault a customer with bats or metal rods, can't remember. He was badly injured and was arrested. He was acquitted - they did time. That McDonald's closed forever and now it's a Chipotle. Annoying and snotty counter workers, black, hispanic. I've never seen a white working there.

I did the survey for a chain supermarket - I told the truth and wrote please hire White Americans, you hire an unbalanced amount of male illegal aliens from Pakistan and Bangla Desh who don't know the products and who are unprofessional and rude with customers. I can't understand them when they speak and they don't bother to learn our customs.

I got back two emails asking me to call them to discuss my comments further. I declined. The first one I wrote back, please more hire White Americans who don't act like the customer is in their way. I broke the cardinal rule of openly advocating for white employment. The response was oh please come in to discuss further.

No thanks

Anonymous said...

It's not just McDonald's. I believe it was in Philadelphia recently where six Amish Subway workers jumped over the counter and beat up a customer.