Sunday, March 17, 2019

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Al Sharpton, but Nobody Would Tell You, from America’s Greatest Investigative Reporter!

By Nicholas Stix

“Carl Horowitz’s Definitive Political Biography of Al Sharpton.”


Anonymous said...

The man is evil. Incorrigibly evil. That was a surprise me that the man made seventy-two visits to the White House while Obama was Pres. You would have thought Obama would have said "no way" I want that man around me. But no!!

Anonymous said...

Two questions:
1)How has Horowitz escaped retribution(assault and battery at minimum)from Sharpton's "associates"?Don't tell me that they're laying off from a beating because it'd be easy to trace any attack to them--blacks don't care about things like that.
2)Why haven't I read about MSNBC's review of the book? (Lol)