Wednesday, March 13, 2019

California Gov Frees Polly Klaas' Killer, Dating Game Killer, from Death Row

By David in TN
Wed, Mar 13, 2019 3:15 p.m.

"California Gov Frees Polly Klaas' Killer, Dating Game Killer, from Death Row."

David in TN: Newsom and his ideological cohorts won't stop. They're already trying to abolish "Life Without Parole." In a few years, former death row inmates will be walking out of prison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is correct according to my understanding of things. And this all varies from state to state. Life without parole does not ever being released. Just means not being released in the ordinary parole fashion. Life normally you are eligible for parole after twenty years. So these bad guys have been in prison for a long time on death row and if they get life without parole given to them many might actually become eligible for release in the near future.