“Police: Man Buys Lost Girl Happy Meal Before Raping Her”
That’s the headline that KPRC (“click2houston.com”) gave a story on the alleged rape of a 16-year-old “lost girl.”
Eric Giron, 42, has been charged with “aggravated assault and indecency with a child.”
Aside from the odd charge—why not first-degree rape, instead of “indecency with a child,” which sounds more like what you’d charge a man with for exposing himself to an eight-year-old—how does a 16-year-old girl come to be “lost” in Houston? How about when she just came from Guatemala three months ago, probably illegally, and hasn’t bothered to learn a word of English in that time?
Investigators said he spotted the 16-year-old girl walking along Hillcroft Street and Westpark Drive. According to court documents, the teenager was lost and crying after storming out of her sister's home when the two got into a fight.
Officials said the girl arrived from Guatemala three months ago and does not speak any English. Police said they believe it was that vulnerability Giron used to prey on her when he approached her and in broken Spanish, told her he would take her to a nearby police station.
Instead, investigators said he drove her to a McDonald's on Beechnut Street and bought her a Happy Meal before taking her to his aunt's home, where he was staying.
Prosecutors said Giron raped the girl and nearly choked her to death.
But police said, at some point, she used her hands to poke his eyes and took off running to a nearby feeder road, where she was able to flag down a police officer.
The suspect's cousin said the charges are shocking, but not surprising.
"How are you just going to take somebody into my mama's house, and disrespect my mother and take her into her house and rape a girl?" said Brandi Richard, Giron's cousin. "He probably would [do it], because he has put his hands on me before. So I wouldn't put it past him."
Giron remains jailed on a $40,000 bond. If convicted, he faces up to life in prison.
Once the case is disposed of, the “lost girl,”—and probably her sister, too—should sent back to Guatemala. But it is more likely that, as a crime victim, she will be de facto amnestied, as will her sister.
If it seems like I am at least partly blaming the victim, I am. Both sisters are idiots and a danger to themselves and the rest of us. The one good thing I can say about the rape victim is that she poked her attacker in the eyes, and escaped. If only more American females took such aggressive action, we’d hear of fewer completed rapes, and fewer dead rape victims.
I went out with a legal Dominican immigrant during the mid-1990s, and she never went anywhere without a knife in her bag, and the willingness to use it ruthlessly.
Over the past generation, American females have been treated to at least five kinds of deadly propaganda:
• Law enforcement “experts” have told them to submit to rapists, leading directly to many of them being not only raped, but murdered;
• Feminists have gone on the road and n TV with a ridiculous act, in which an unarmed woman kicks a man attacker in a Michelin man costume in the balls, and he simply crumples to the floor;
• Feminists have fought arming women;
• Feminists have campaigned for over 40 years against “privileged, white, heterosexual males” as women’s worst enemy, including lying about the danger of being raped by them (see date rape hoaxes and the Duke Rape Hoax), when white men are their best friends, while refusing to warn women of the danger of being raped by black males;
• Feminists have waged war on common sense, by inssiting that females have a “right” to put themselves in mortal danger, say by walking alone in violent areas at night, and raging against anyone who would suggest smidgen of common sense.
Result: Feminists and black and Hispanic men pose the greatest danger to American girls and women of all races.
Thanks to reader-researcher RC.
P.S. As the underaged girl's guardian, her older sister is almost certainly guilty of some form of neglect, most likely educational neglect. Unless a parent or guardian has gone to school, and given written permission for them to drop out, kids between the ages of 16 and 18 must attend school. (Kids below 16 are usually not permitted to drop out. And if they do drop out between 16 and 18, the law used to require that they somehow be gainfully employed or in training.) This was clearly not the case here.
What do you think the odds are of a likely illegal "immigrant" woman being held to Texas family law?
[Please hit this link, to support TIE with a tax-deductible donation!]
Bewildered former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, recently told the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza that everywhere he goes, voters’ number one concern is immigration.
It does appear to be the issue out here wherever we are. Nobody’s asked about Iraq—doesn’t ever come up. The first question out of the box, everywhere I go—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, it doesn’t matter—is immigration. It’s just red hot, and I don’t fully understand it.
Welcome to America, Mike!
Here’s the problem. With the help of the MSM, Huckabee has conned millions of voters into thinking that he supports enforcing America’s immigration laws, when in fact he is a confirmed supporter of abolishing America through open borders.
What if I told you that there is an online encyclopedia – though its editor/publisher doesn’t use that term – devoted (though not limited) to immigration, which is vastly superior in factual reliability (unlike the New York Times, it has its own house fact-checker) to any daily newspaper, but which at the same time (with the notable exception of immigration economist George Borjas) has more scholarly rigor than you’ll find from tenured professors? And what if I told you it has an archive of eight [2011: now 11] years’ worth of thousands of such articles? And what if I told you it’s free?
Keeping track of presidential aspirants’ flip-flops is just one of the many services that TIE provides on a daily basis through its articles and blogs.
And while it costs nothing to read TIE, it does cost money to produce and maintain it. Not just due to Web servers and bandwidth, but because TIE pays its writers and its fact-checker, which is how it can provide you such top-notch reporting, scholarship, and commentary. (Full disclosure: I am proud to say that I am one of those writers.)
The site isn’t actually known as The Immigration Encyclopedia. I gave it that title, because it is the most encyclopedic source on legal and illegal immigration into America on the Web, and to mock a certain pretend Web encyclopedia that has just collected so many millions of dollars in donations that it is embarrassed to even cite the figures. The pretend encyclopedia pays contributors nothing, and nothing is what it provides—but at a cost of millions! By contrast, The Immigration Encyclopedia is a priceless resource that is run for mere tens of thousands of [2011: A couple of hundred thousand] dollars per year in tax-deductible donations. But that relatively small sum is essential.
TIE’s official name is VDARE.com. The reason I didn’t name it earlier was to be coy, to stress what I believe is VDARE’s true character, and to fool Google. Since this is my third [11th] fundraising post this month, had I stated its purpose at the top, Google’s blogsearch would have seen this as a repetitious post, and not listed it.
Please hit this link to support VDARE with a tax-deductible donation. (Did I mention that your contribution is tax-deductible?)
That was the news this morning. As Fox’s New York affiliate was drooling over the royal wedding in England, a news ticker running at the bottom of the screen announced that an eight-year-old New York City child attending the third grade in the PS 107/Thomas A. Dooley elementary school in Flushing, Queens had stolen one of his father’s guns, and sold it to a fellow third-grader. Father and child were both in custody.
Now, Flushing is predominantly East Asian, but with all due disrespect to the promoters of the “members of all groups commit crime” nonsense, the likelihood that the kid selling the gun was Asian is nil. I can’t be quite as sure about the buyer because he got such a good deal for himself.
Update: The father is 54-year-old Ignacio Galvan, who has been charged with possession of a weapon and endangering the welfare of a child, the price was actually $3.50, and the gun was loaded.
On December 5, the The Baltimore Sun ran the following letter from the SPLC’s Mark Potok about me and my work for VDARE. Potok and the SPLC consider it crucial that the public know about our vital work, and I thank them for their PR efforts. (Mark, the check’s in the mail.)
December 5, 2008
On Wednesday, The Baltimore Sun published an attack by Ron Smith on the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization known nationally for its lawsuits against and investigations of white supremacist hate groups in America (“The truth about ‘hate crimes’ and the racial justice racket,” Commentary, Dec. 3).
Aside from a great deal of unsubstantiated name-calling, Mr. Smith mentions an essay written by Nicholas Stix, a man Mr. Smith sparely describes as a “columnist and blogger.”
What Mr. Smith declines to say is that Mr. Stix is a well-known white nationalist who recently prepared a lengthy introduction to an article,* published by the National Policy Institute, that paints “a statistical and narrative portrait of the war on white America.”
In it, Mr. Stix concludes that the Brown v. Board of Education ruling outlawing school segregation was “arguably the worst decision” in the Supreme Court’s history. “Integration and the civil rights movement,” Mr. Stix continues, “led directly to the destruction of great cities.”
Many of Mr. Stix’s articles, which dwell heavily on what he sees as a huge wave of anti-white hate crime committed by black people, are archived at the VDARE Web site.
With Mr. Stix, Mr. Smith claims that the October murder of an interracial couple in Winchester, Calif., allegedly by four black men, was motivated by race hate - despite the statements of police that the motive was robbery.
Mr. Smith goes on to describe hate crime legislation as a “questionable legal construct used almost exclusively against whites.”
Actually, the concept has been ratified by the Supreme Court in a case in which the defendant was a black man who had attacked whites because of their race. Yet that doesn’t stop Mr. Smith from claiming that “the truth is one thing and the liberal agenda is another.”
Mark Potok, Montgomery, Ala. The writer is director of the Intelligence Project for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
*Actually, my good friend Mark erred, in describing me as having written “a lengthy introduction to an article.” In fact, I wrote the introduction to an over 45,000-word NPI report, The State of White America – 2007, which I edited and co-wrote, and which can be downloaded for free at NPI.
I have a feeling that Mark neglected to read more than the introduction. I’m immensely proud of that report, which two brilliant social scientists, statistician Ed Rubinstein and historian Robert J. Stove, together wrote with me, and want everyone to read it.
I realize that Mark is terribly busy, what with phoning in race hoaxes all the time, cashing supporters’ checks, and having meetings, but mightn’t it be a good thing for the director of an alleged “Intelligence Project” to spend a wee bit of time collecting … intelligence?
I appreciate that Mark incorporated the correction I had made of his misquotation of me as having called Brown, “arguably the worse [sic] decision” in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Conversely, in the case of the racist, Jena, LA attempted murder committed against white student Justin Barker by from eight to ten black students, the SPLC not only refused to tell the truth about Barker’s ordeal, but in one propaganda release after another, turned his attackers into victims (see, for instance, here, here, here and here), and used the Jena Hoax as a means with which to defraud the American public out of millions of dollars in fundraising.
In contrast to Potok & Co., I spend thousands of hours per year researching my articles, reading books, articles and reports on the Web, and interviewing people. The books (not to mention, bookcases!) are a major expense, as are things like computers (I just bought a new one in May, and already, it’s crapping out on me) and printers, and I have less dramatic but continuing expenses for my ISP, telephone, toner, paper, etc.
But at over 60 hours per week, my biggest expense is time. I need to make money from my work. While the SPLC has shown itself willing to increase my name recognition and readership, neither Mark Potok nor the SPLC’s boss of all bosses, Morris Dees, has been willing, so far, to publish or pay me for my work. The New York Times has shown a similar reticence.
That’s where VDARE comes in. VDARE founder Peter Brimelow has been one of my biggest boosters, publishing eleven [now 25] of my front-pagers and approximately 30 [now over 100] of my blog essays. But Peter needs your help, in order to be able to pay me. Please generously support VDARE.
VDARE is sponsored by the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity; your contributions are tax-deductible.
(I am reprinting this classic VDARE fundraising letter as part of this spring’s VDARE Marathon. You may want to go straight to the “donate” link, and read the fundraising letter afterward.)
Herr Olbermann
Max Blumenthal and Keith Olbermann have done everything in their power, of late, to publicize VDARE.com. Granted, Blumenthal’s PR work has consisted of pronouncing a political death sentence against VDARE editor-publisher Peter Brimelow as a “white nationalist,” a code phrase for neo-Nazi, but you know what they say: There's no such thing as bad publicity. (Don’t worry, Peter, more prominent gauleiters than Max Blumenthal call me the same thing, and I’m sure Max’ll eventually get around to me, as well). Blumenthal has variously misrepresented, or plum screwed up in his descriptions of what VDARE contributors like Tom Piatak have written, and Olbermann has been content largely to parrot him, but what do you expect? It’s not like they’re journalists. So, they quote Piatak as saying “Jews,” when he really said, “multiculturalists”? Same difference, right?
Blumenthal is the purported son of former Clinton administration employee, Sidney Blumenthal, then affectionately referred to as “Sid Vicious.” During the 1996 presidential campaign, Sid was stationed at the DNC’s New Yorker Division, from where he would call Bob Dole (Viagra-KS) Campaign HQ, posing as a journalist. The Dole folks would tell Blumenthal things they wouldn’t have told a known Democratic Party operative (no wonder Dole lost the election!). Sid would then immediately call Clinton Re-election HQ, and pass on whatever he had just learned.
(But that’s the least of Sid’s viciousness. Read Michael Isikoff’s note at the bottom of this review of Sid’s apparently unreadable and uninformative, 802-page book, for how Vicious, er, Blumenthal, lied to the media about both the grand jury’s questions and his testimony in the matter of Bill Clinton’s perjury, in order to make himself look good, and to libel Kenneth Starr.)
Max is also employed by the Party, at its Daily Beast Division, another project by Democratic serial magazine killer, Tina Brown, who was busy wrecking the New Yorker Division’s finances, when she and Sid were both there. Like purported father, like purported son.
Although Max looks like a soccer hooligan, I know nothing about his demeanor, or whether he is prone to violence. For all I know, he may well limit his thuggery to his typing.
Keith Olbermann is a retired sportscaster, who is presently employed by the Party’s MSNBC Division. His chief talent resides in having a very loud voice, with which to shout his talking points.
For all that Max and Keith said, in publicizing VDARE, there is, however, one thing that they forgot to say: Please support VDARE!
VDARE is sponsored by the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity; your contributions are tax-deductible.
In the immediate aftermath of the White House’s release of President Obama’s birth certificate, billionaire Donald Trump came out with guns blazing in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
Trump described President Obama as a “very strange president” for not releasing his birth certificate promptly, as well as other personal records still being withheld.
He also lambasted the president for his foreign and economic policies that have made him a “laughingstock.”
During his interview via phone from New Hampshire, Trump again reiterated comments made earlier in the day that he was “proud and honored” that he was able to accomplish “what nobody else could” — convince President Barack Obama to finally release his long-form birth certificate.
The hit TV star and real estate mogul — who is considering a run for president in 2012 — also derided the president for allowing OPEC’s “ripping off” of America, and charged that the administration’s moratorium on oil drilling is a “total disaster.”
For weeks Trump has been calling on Obama to put the issue of his birthplace to rest by simply presenting his full birth certificate. The issue has haunted Obama since his 2008 presidential campaign.
The White House finally obliged on Wednesday morning, with Obama apparently alluding to Trump when he complained during a press conference about “side shows and carnival barkers.”
Trump told Newsmax.TV: “I’m very proud of the fact that I was able to do something that nobody else could. I’m really honored by it.
“Whether it was Clinton or all of the other people running against him, for whatever reason, he wasn’t doing it, and I was able to get him to release.
“I don’t know why he didn’t do it. Nobody understands why he didn’t do this years ago. He went through hell over it.
“Obviously they’re examining the certificate very carefully.
“But I’m very very proud that I was able to accomplish what nobody else could, and the fact is it shows I can get things done. He can’t and I can.”
But Trump complains that Obama has still not released his college records. “He’s certainly not a transparent president because everybody thought he was going to release his records. It’s a very strange president that we have.”
Trump was asked how he would handle soaring gasoline prices if he was president.
“The first thing I’d do is get calls into OPEC and say, you fellows get over to my office right now,” Trump tells Newsmax.
“OPEC is ripping us off like nobody has ripped us off before. Saudi Arabia three days ago decided to raise the price of fuel by cutting down on supply. They look at us like we’re a bunch of jerks. They look at our leaders like they’re not very smart. Obviously the leaders aren’t very smart.
“I know two days ago the president said he has very little control over oil prices. I disagree, because he should be able to totally control OPEC. They wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for us.”
Also on the energy issue, Trump declares: “Obama’s moratorium on drilling has been a total disaster. How could this guy have people not being able to travel, not being able to fill up their tanks with gasoline, and he’s got a moratorium on drilling? We should drill in Alaska, and we should drill all over until we don’t need foreign oil. We should use natural gas and clean coal. We should use everything in our power.”
Noting that the prices of food and clothing have also been rising, Trump says “part of that is because the dollar is so weak. He’s allowed the dollar to fail.
“He likes it because short term it’s a little bit good for the country in terms of trade. But long term, it’s a disaster. He’s allowed the dollar to go so low that it is becoming a laughingstock, just like him.”
Trump also took aim at the major media and their coverage of Obama. He said: “The press has been so protective of Obama. It’s a joke, a laughing joke. I’ve never seen anything like it. You say anything negative about Obama and they start screaming at you. It’s absolutely incredible.”
Editor's note: Tune in to AC360° Tuesday beginning at 10 p.m. ET to see the remainder of Gary Tuchman's investigation into President Barack Obama's birthplace. Tuchman speaks with Hawaii’s Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie who says he knew Obama’s parents decades ago.
Abercrombie weighs in on the controversy over Obama’s birthplace and explains why he has not released Obama’s birth certificate like he said he would.
(CNN) – Real estate mogul Donald Trump's latest claim about President Obama's birth certificate is that it's missing.
"Well I've been told very recently, Anderson, that the birth certificate is missing," Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper Monday. "I've been told that it's not there or it doesn't exist. And if that's the case it's a big problem." When asked from whom he received the information, Trump said he didn't want to say and that he feels bad about the situation.
"I'd love for him to produce his birth certificate so that you can fight one-on-one," Trump said in an interview set to air Monday. "If you look at what he's doing to fuel prices, you can do a great fight one-on-one, you don't need this issue."
CNN's Gary Tuchman also interviewed the former director of the Hawaii Department of Health, who said she has seen the original birth certificate in the vault at the Department of Health. In 2008, the Obama campaign released an official document called a "certification of live birth" which indicates he was born in Hawaii. This document, which is a computerized abstract of his birth information that the State of Hawaii issues to individuals requesting their birth records, satisfies proof-of-birth requirements for various federal matters, including obtaining a passport. Several news organizations as well as the Annenberg Fact Check Project viewed the document first-hand and verified that it contained the official raised seal as well as a signature stamp of the state registrar.
Trump has made national headlines by questioning the president's birthplace, even saying he has hired investigators in Hawaii to examine the situation. The reality TV star is mulling a bid for the White House and expects to make a final decision at the end of May, after the latest season of "Celebrity Apprentice" concludes.
Peter Brimelow just posted the following words at the top of VDARE.com’s temporary home page, for its ongoing fundraising drive:
Last night, I was attacked by Keith Olbermann on his MSNBC TV show Countdown for starting the War Against Christmas on VDARE.COM and thereby corrupting Bill O'Reilly! (We respond on our blog). Of course, we think Olbermann is a fool. But with the Main Stream Media and the political Establishment, there's no doubt his smears are effective. They don't deter us, but I worry for our younger writers, with careers to make, and families to feed.
Writing for VDARE.COM is a risk - but it's the only place where the truth about the immigration disaster and the political correctness plague can be told. PLEASE help us obviate Olbermann! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and DONATE before entering the site for tonight's postings.
Get it? “Our younger writers.” He’s got to be referring to me! VDARE can’t have anyone younger than me writing for it.
How old am I, you ask? I’ll give you the same answer I give The Boss, whenever she asks: 21. And if she complains, I just say, “Prove otherwise!” (And next year, I plan on turning 21 … again!)
Since I have yet to win a Pulitzer or the Nobel Peace Prize, or get written up in Time magazine, what’s the point of aging?)
Why is it so important that you support VDARE? Glad you asked. Peter pays me to write for him. The more money you give him, the more he can pay me. Thus, if you think my work is worth supporting, please give generously. And if you think my work isn’t worth supporting ... please give generously. (Well, what did you expect me to say?)
That may sound like a selfish rationale, but if you want VDARE to continue to be the finest political site on the Web, Peter has to be able to continue to pay writers.
I can see someone saying, “What’s the big deal? You write, he pays. That’s the way all writing works.”
Not exactly. Although the Internet has proved to be the greatest technology ever invented, as far as writers being able to publish and promote their work, that very same function (flooding the market) has caused it to be the worst thing that ever happened to the economics of writing. Since there is an unlimited supply of writers (i.e., no scarcity), there is total downward pressure on the price for freelance work. No one has to pay anything, in order to get copy to place between the ads on his Website. Thus, only about 0.1 percent of Web sites actually pay for work, and they pay badly.
How badly? In 2001, I wrote a 1216-word essay on legendary journalist-satirist George S. Schuyler for National Review Online, that in the meantime has probably been read by over 100,000 people. My fee: The grand sum of $50, courtesy of the late neoconservative, William F. Buckley Jr. (not that WFB knew me from Adam).
I made maybe $2 an hour for that job. What with a wife and infant, not to mention having to pay the electric company and my ISP, just to use my pc, the fee didn’t stretch very far.
Back in 1999, I had published an essay in the fat Christmas issue of the profitable, neocon freebie, The NYPress, for which I received no byline, but for which then editor-publisher Russ Smith (aka Mugger) paid me the princely sum of $16.67. Fortunately for me, The Boss was three months away from giving birth to the Boss’s Boss (forgive me, Harry), so we were able to live it up.
In order for my family to subsist in New York City back then, I would have had to sell at least 2,000 NYPress columns per year.
Back in the early 1990s, I had occasionally freelanced for the daily, New York Newsday, which gave me a byline, and once even put my picture inside of Page One, with a flattering promo for my op-ed piece inside. (I wasn’t crazy about the picture part; how can a journalist buzz around town and do his job, if people are id’ing him on the street? A journalist is supposed to observe, not be observed. And if you really do your job, those people may be hostiles.) And they paid “a buck-fifty” ($150) per piece. The only problem was that the editors somehow “forgot” to pay me for my third piece, and I ended up having to sue them in Small Claims Court, in order to get my fee.
Newsday went belly up in 1995, after only ten years in business and $100 million in losses (est. 170 million 2008 dollars). I don’t know how the outfit went broke, but it sure as hell wasn’t from overpaying freelancers.
Although today’s news media are a multibillion-dollar business, quality journalists are few and far between. I know of only a handful of excellent journalists who are able to support themselves through writing, as opposed to the tens of thousands of worthless, lying hacks who do alright.
At least three of the finest journalists I know can only survive by working day jobs in public relations. One of them is always in danger of losing his day job, due to the repercussions from his investigative freelance work, and another one had to give up writing altogether, because leftists had gotten him fired from his day job.
Although Peter has yet to pay me Malcolm Gladwell money—we’ll have to talk about that—he pays me much better than any other cyber-publication, and even better than some newspapers and magazines I worked for, way back when.
This year has seen the death of William F. Buckley Jr., his son Christopher’s coming out of the closet as a supporter of the man who calls himself, “Barack Obama,” and the divorce between the younger Buckley and the magazine his father founded. For longtime NR readers, however, both milestones were redundant, since the magazine that for over 50 years was inextricably associated both with the Buckley name and with American conservatism, had long been moribund.
Just as the gangsters in The Godfather reassured each other that their bloody clashes were just business, not personal, I’d say that my disagreement with Buckley was fundamentally political, although I do consider his character to have been among the most contemptible I have encountered in public life. However, in Buckley’s case, the political was personal and vice versa. It was his personal failings that ultimately accounted for the four-decade fizzle of his once-brilliant career—and for the fact that, regularly credited with the making of the modern conservative movement, he must also be indicted for its breaking.
Above all, he must also be indicted for the breaking, through out-of-control post-1965 mass immigration, of the nation that some of us thought the conservative movement was sworn to defend….
For the plain fact, politely unmentioned in most Buckley obituaries, is that Buckley and National Review have been complicit in leading the conservative movement, the Republican Party and the country into utter disaster. Conservatives have essentially nothing to show for their moment in power except two completely unexpected colonial wars in the Middle East. And this year's elections are widely expected to be a generational catastrophe.
While NR’s early years may have been a golden age of American conservative writing, the past 11 years, since the first Great Purge, have been a Golden Age of Republican Talking Points.
Even when the magazine’s functionaries argued righteous positions, as in their sudden opposition to the 2006 Bush-McCain-Kennedy illegal alien amnesty attempt (unsuccessfully sold to the American people under the euphemism, “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”), it wasn’t out of conviction or a careful weighing of the facts of mass immigration’s assault on America, but rather a case of political operatives putting their fingers to the wind, and changing direction accordingly, until which time they would again feel safe in helping the Party in its ongoing war on Middle America.
A March 2005 Middle American News article of mine presaged the GOP’s 2008 electoral collapse. I showed how the three most popular Republican Web sites, FreeRepublic.com, lucianne.com, and townhall.com stifled debate by censoring any writer whose positions were to the right of the Party’s neocon talking points. Note that those Web sites have since lost any ability to galvanize patriots, have squandered the dominance that Republicans and conservatives enjoyed on the Web back in 2000, and have been left in the dust by socialist-communist-whatever sites such as the Huffington Post and Daily Kos.
And since the collapse, the neocons are calling for more of the same leftism that gave the government away to the socialists, communists, and ethnic supremacists!
On November 10, in “Darkness at Dusk,” the New York Times’ neocon sophist David Brooks posited a fake battle for the soul of the Right, pitting neocons vs. … neocons!
Six years earlier, in Commentary magazine, at least Joshua Muravchik had the decency to argue—albeit absurdly—that the sort of issues raised by conservatives critical of the GOP and of neoconservatism – race, ethnicity, the welfare state – simply have no place in conservatism. Unlike Brooks, Muravchik did not seek to deceive and confuse readers about the conflict.
But VDARE does not seek to beat Brooks and his fellow courtiers at their game of suppressing debate, professionally destroying their rivals, hogging all of the GOP propaganda pork, and getting invited to socialist cocktail parties. VDARE’spurpose is to pursue the National Question, as in: Shall the United States of America endure?
In the course of researching that article, I interviewed Pat Buchanan—or did he interview me?; I’m still not sure—and this is what he said.
The neoconservatives, I think are, given their roots, wherever you want to place them, by nature intolerant of dissent. They are not conservatives in the old tradition of National Review, where there was a robust contest every two weeks, with Russell Kirk and Frank Myer and James Burnham and Buckley and Whittaker Chambers...
They could [unclear] disagree, but it was a wonderful magazine. My feeling is that the neoconservatives fundamentally come out of the Left. You find it in the rhetoric, the constant iteration of the use of the word “fascist,” and the kind of demonizing rhetoric that the Left has always used and the idea that the other points of view on the right not only don’t have to be answered but they ought to be squashed.
… with regard to immigration, we’ve had many of the old Republican conservatives [who] were both protectionists and in favor of restrictive immigration policies, so you could assimilate immigrants and that’s all consistent with traditional Republicanism and conservatism. And the idea’s been demonized, and more than demonized, it’s been denied a hearing. That suggests that the people who are now defining conservatism are not really conservatives at all.
Sometime around the spring of 2007, it occurred to me that Buchanan’s description of the old National Review sounded an awful lot like … VDARE! I have strongly suspected ever since, that Peter Brimelow founded VDARE as a reincarnation of the original National Review, whether out of (unconscious?) reverence for Bill Buckley’s original project, or to stick it in his eye, and show him that he could outdo him. (Note that not only did Peter not solicit this fundraising letter, but I have never raised the issue of the intellectual genealogy between NR and VDARE with him. Thus, when he reads this letter, it will be the first he will learn of my ruminations.)
As a cyber-publication, VDARE does not have fortnightly editorial meetings—contributors live in such disparate places as Connecticut, New York, Virginia, California, Mexico and Japan, and VDARE founder Peter Brimelow has so far proven unwilling to spring for hotel rooms, first-class (or any other kind of) airline tickets, or sumptuous spreads, so that his writers could shout at each other in splendor, but if you analytically read and compare the many front page and blog articles on any given day, the conflicting approaches and presuppositions distinguishing socialists, regular Democrats, paleoconservatives, and other political orientations will immediately become apparent.
No matter. VDARE is not an adjunct to, extension or tool of the GOP, or any other political party. Rather, it is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization devoted to creating an alliance for raising the National Question, and pursuing patriotic immigration reform. And the last time the Open Borders Lobby (OBL) tried to sneak an illegal alien amnesty past the American people—in 2006—it was VDARE that rallied the patriots who prevailed, and National Review that, after weighing its options, got out of the way, and then ran after VDARE, duplicitously shouting, “Me, too!”
Peter Brimelow may not spring for luxuries, but he does spring for the most important expense a publication can have: Paying his writers (like me)!
This year he had a major additional expense, which went for the publishing event of the year: Supporting Steve Sailer, as he wrote his first book, the just published, America's Half Blood Prince: Barack Obama's "Story of Race and Inheritance," which you may purchase, for $29.95. [Update, April 25, 2011: How does $15.76 sound?]
VDARE also provides free downloads of the entire text of Peter’s book, Alien Nation: Common Sense about America's Immigration Disaster, the most important book on immigration in America ever written. As the saying goes, all contemporary immigration journalism is but a series of footnotes to Alien Nation. (Alright, I confess! It's my allusion. So, sue me.)
Ninety-nine percent of the sites on the Web do not pay their writers a farthing, and the results are about what you’d expect. Endlessly recycled talking points (whether of the Left or Right), suspect syntax, fact-free arguments, and loopy logic are the order of the day.
Except for the syntax, none of the above is true of VDARE. Unlike not only the Web but the supposedly “professional” press (e.g., the Associated Press), its writers do their own research, rather than taking talking points memos from, say, the SPLC, and moving around some paragraphs, in order to make it appear as if they had interviewed SPLC hoax-meister, er, “expert” Mark Potok in the course of researching a story, when in fact Potok had written and sent them the “story.” (Gosh, I’d better quit now, before Potok and my other fans at the SPLC turn on me. Say hey, Casey Sanchez!)
They Call the Wind Mariah Music by Frederick Loewe Words by Alan Jay Lerner
Chorus: Mariah, Mariah, They call the wind, “Mariah.”
A way out here, they got a name, For rain and wind and fire, The rain is “Tess,” the fire’s “Joe,” And they call the wind, “Mariah.”
Mariah blows the stars around, And sends the clouds a-flyin,’ Mariah makes the mountain sound, Like folks were up there dyin.’
Chorus: Mariah, Mariah, Harve: They call the wind, “Mariah.”
Before I knew Mariah’s name, And heard her wail and whinin,’ I had a girl, and she had me, And the sun was always shinin.’
But then one day I left my girl, I left her far behind me, And now I'm lost, so goldern lost, Not even God can find me.
Chorus: Mariah, Mariah, They call the wind, “Mariah.”
Out here they got a name for rain, For wind and fire only, But when you’re lost and all alone, There ain’t no word but “lonely.”
And I’m a lost and lonely man, Without a star to guide me, Mariah, blow my love to me, I need my girl beside me.
Chorus: Mariah, Mariah, They call the wind, Mariah.
Mariah, Mariah, Blow my love to me.
Long before the late Harve Presnell (1933-2009) was a big, bald, old character actor who played commanding SOBs in movies like Fargo and Saving Private Ryan, he was a blandly handsome, young musical performer with a full head of blonde hair (though not in the first video), and a golden pair of pipes. Unfortunately for him, he hit Hollywood as the movie musical was in its death throes. But he was a trouper, and so he did every sort of musical work that was still available, as a replacement performer in Broadway shows, and in touring companies, and eventually worked his way back into pictures as a straight dramatic actor. He died of pancreatic cancer two years ago, at the age of 75.
ATASCOCITA, TX (KTRK) -- Two more suspects have been arrested in the shooting death of a man in the driveway of his Atascocita home. Bobby Dean Jones, 18, and Bruce Lee Taylor, 29, are charged with capital murder. They appeared Monday morning during a probable cause hearing. On Friday, police arrested Giovanni Mora, 18, in the case. Mora is also charged with capital murder.
Prosecutors say the men tried to carjack the vehicle of Donald Frye and confronted him in his driveway the night of April 11 after he returned home from running an errand. Frye resisted and was fatally shot in the chest. The vehicle was not taken. Prosecutors allege Taylor was the getaway driver and Jones was the shooter. The murder weapon has been recovered.
Fingerprints on Frye's vehicle came back to Mora who implicated Jones and Taylor, prosecutors say.
All three men are being held without bond.
Jones has a current aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge. He was out on bond when he allegedly committed the murder. Jones also has convictions for theft and criminal trespass. Taylor has convictions for theft and criminal mischief. Mora has a robbery conviction from 2010 and a drug conviction from 2009.
I thank the reader who gave me the link. It seems that this was one of those hoped-for multicultural crimes, and that one of the white suspects--18-year-old Bobby Dean Jones--had enjoyed the same sort of criminal justice affirmative action as black defendant Giovanni Mora.
The Panthers, founded by "Dr." Khalid Muhammaud, and led since his death by "Dr." Malik Zulu Shabazz, who called for the riots, is a genocidal, black supremacist group, which in recent years is most notorious for having violated federal election and civil rights laws at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day, 2008 (here and here). Most of the violations, including brandishing a deadly weapon (a nightstick) in a menacing manner, and screaming racist epithets at whites ("You are going to be ruled by the black man!," "Cracker!," etc.), were videotaped and posted to the Web.
“the most blatant form of voter intimidation I have encountered in my life in political campaigns in many states, even going back to the work I did in Mississippi in the 1960’s. I considered their presence to be a racially motivated effort to intimidate both poll watchers aiding voters, as well as voters with whom the men did not agree.”
Actually, since the group's itinerary was full of repetitious listings, and of foreign nations listed without a specific city, address, or telephone number, we are really talking about 29 American cities and London. But the group could still start riots in a few American cities.
All I could find news about was a brief story about a rally in Jacksonville, Florida. So, was this a snow job, or did the MSM cover up mass violence? It looks like the former, this time. Will we see the snow job next time, as well, or the fire?
Warning: The below video is extremely disturbing. Even I found it upsetting, and I deal with this garbage on a daily basis.
Upon returning to the LiveLeak site where I first read this story and saw the video, I found that there was additional linked text that I had not read:
outside into the parking lot. note: the male employees have disappeared from camera view, even though they are plenty well capable of stopping the attack.
At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the camera operator warns the female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way. Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend.
4.19 pm EST UPDATE: response from Mc Donalds: "We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling. McDonald’s strives to be a safe, welcoming environment for everyone who visits. Nothing is more important to us than the safety of customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter."
It had also not occurred to me initially that, as crimeblogger Nivius Vir observed, the attackers sought to drag the victim out of the restaurant, and into the parking lot, "so they could finish what they started." In other words, this is a case not merely of assault, but of attempted murder.
The McDonald's employee who filmed the attack, Vernon "Charm" Hackett, who repeatedly laughed while he watched, and then told the attackers to flee the crime scene, because police had been called, has been fired.
It was Hackett who had initially uploaded the video to his Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook pages. Soon thereafter, Youtube deleted Hackett's video, and he deleted his Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook pages, but the video had already gone viral, which was his original goal. That was before he realized that his bosses might not be so crazy about the idea.
My sympathy for the victim notwithstanding, in the real world there are no such things as "transgenders."
If I went around telling people that I'm "really" seven feet tall--please trust me when I tell you that I'm not quite that tall--the authorities would fit me for a strait-jacket. People who are born one sex, but insist that they are "really" the other one, are no less delusional. (I'm not talking here about the so rare as to be virtually non-existent case of hermaphroditism.) Getting one's sexual organs chopped off, and/or getting fake, non-functional organs created, via plastic surgery, merely multiplies the madness.
Initially, the local Baltimore Sun refused to report on the attack at all, but once its editors saw that they couldn't cover it up, they deigned to run a story, but refused to identify the respective races of the attackers and victim. In a story four days after the attack, the daily finally identified people's races, but buried that information in the 16th paragraph, long after most readers will have dropped the story. No matter; the Sun had by then condemned itself to irrelevance.
Why VDARE.COM Needs Your Help By Nicholas Stix December 6, 2007
(This is another previous fundraising appeal I made, back in 2005. I have only made slight changes, entering the winter 2007 donation link, and cutting a reference at the end to deductions for charitable giving enacted by Congress only for 2005, in response to Hurricane Katrina. I’d write a new pitch letter, but by the time I finished it, it would be 2010, and VDARE needs your support in 2007.)
In this holiday season, you are being deluged by scam artists seeking to fleece you for what they claim are “charities.” Have you gotten your yearly call, for instance, from the guy who claims to be collecting donations to give to the widows and orphans of policemen murdered in the line of duty? Ha! The guy on the phone is a low-paid flunky; over 90 percent of the money you donate goes to his boss, who is a crook and a creep who should be hunted down by real policemen and put out of business. (Our state and federal legislators are so busy passing pork barrel legislation that it has not occurred to them to pass laws criminalizing phony charities. And so, crooks like the above-mentioned type continue to fleece the big-hearted.)
But one legitimate, truly worthy organization that desperately needs your support is VDARE. This Web site, founded six years ago [NS, Easter Sunday, 2011: By now, 11 years ago] by the brilliant social critic, Peter Brimelow (author of, among other works, Alien Nation on immigration and The Worm in the Apple on the teachers' unions), is the site par excellence for news, analysis, and commentary on immigration into these United States. And it ain't too shabby on race, either.
Why should you support VDARE? Glad you asked. For several years, VDARE was alone among major Web sites in banging the drum for immigration restriction. And it is still the best source for information on the attempt by President Bush and America's elites of the Right and the Left, to smuggle into law a stealth amnesty (aka “guest worker plan”). And it is the best source for information about the immigration bureaucracy and the many de facto amnesty programs already in existence.
VDARE is also one of the only sites on the Internet whose publisher actually pays his writers. And one of those writers is yours truly. So, if you think that my work is deserving of support, please hit this link to give to VDARE. Thanks in advance.
One of the reasons why most of the material you read on the Internet is so godawful is that almost no one pays for material. And so, the typical Web “pundit” sits down in front of his pc and pounds out his “insights” in about ten minutes – even less, if he's a fast typist. And who needs spell-check? (That begs the question: Why is most of the material one reads in newspapers and magazines that pay writers so bad?)
But work that demands to be read takes time to research and write. Hours, days, weeks, even months. It takes Web searches; it requires buying and poring over sometimes expensive, out-of-print books; sometimes it takes costly Lexis-Nexis searches and archived newspaper and journal articles; and it may take calls to lawyers, flacks, politicians and victims.
Very few people can afford to devote that sort of time and money to writing, and those who are independently wealthy generally demand, and get payment. (They're the ones writing the drivel published in newspapers and magazines.) And very few “professional writers” are willing to buck the conventional wisdom, Left or Right. Thus are we saddled with the likes of Tamar Jacoby and Jonah Goldberg from the Republican side, and Ellen Goodman and Frank Rich from the socialist side. None of the aforementioned writers will give you the truth about ... anything. Jacoby, in particular, has been lying about immigration and the possibility of immigration enforcement for years, in order to prevent Americans from doing anything to reassert American sovereignty and American law. Her goal in life is apparently to ensure that every upper-middle-class American family's “civil right” to illegal immigrant nannies, gardeners, and cooks; and every American corporation's “right” to low-wage Indian computer programmers remains inviolate.
Some formerly orthodox neoconservative writers, such as Heather MacDonald, have in recent years come around to understand that illegal immigration is destroying America, but they might never have, had it not been for VDARE alone banging the drum for immigration restriction, lo these many years.
“It is amazing how little money it takes to get young people to take this risk—not a risk at all, really, but certain professional suicide, unless we can build VDARE.COM up as an alternative institution fast enough.” [How nice to be referred to as “young” – that hasn't happened in years!]
“At various times this year, I’ve had to go slow paying writers—and also to turn aside the many new writers who want to appear on VDARE.COM. It’s deeply distressing, because just a little money means so much to them—and to their country.
“Tonight, we post Tom Piatak’s summary of the War against Christmas, Michelle Malkin, plus, of course, the blog.
“Scroll down to the end, past Ms. Bevens’ picture—and when you pass the donate link, remember my starving young writers.”
Note the white cowards, some of them huge, who let the white guy get suckerpunched and beaten to a pulp, and let the black attacker and his girlfriend, who premeditatedly provoked the whole thing, get away.
And the racist black female who started the fight knew that she and her racist, convict boyfriend had nothing to fear from a dozen or so burly white men. Those guys were a bunch of white Uncle Toms. And yes, I have called white men that epithet to their face on more than one occasion. (I've also called some white women in such situations "white Aunt Jemimas.")
By the way, the boyfriend was another one of those "non-violent" inmates convict doff a drug offense, whom the pro-crime lobby is always telling us are needlessly filling our jails and prisons. (According to his friends and half-brother, black carjacker-kidnapper-rapist-murderer Lemaricus Davidson, the ringleader of the Knoxville Horror, whose white victims were Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, was a drug dealer by profession.)
In case you're wondering, I'm not even sure how many times I've been attacked by racist blacks since coming to New York in 1985. Every few years I try to count 'em up, but I'll later recall yet other incidents. And it's a methodological nightmare. Suckerpunches and attempted robberies are clear enough, but what about someone shoving or lowering his shoulder into you?
The majority of the times I've been attacked by racist blacks--if you'll pardon the redundancy--in New York, the attack was deliberately provoked by a black female. About the only time black males and females manage to cooperate, is in those moments when they are setting up and carrying out attacks on whites, even when policemen are standing right there.
Speaking of which, did I ever mention what happened when I went with my then-fiance to get our marriage license at City Hall in Manhattan? Another story for another day.
By Nicholas Stix Last updated at 2:50 a.m., 25 December 2006.
It’s that time of year again. You are bound to be inundated with telephone calls from the “National Police Officers’ Association,” or some such scam, which will claim to be helping out the widows and children of police officers slain in the line of duty, organizations which virtually never contribute one dime to the welfare of police officers or their families. But one organization, which does not engage in cold calling, in order to fleece the unwary good-hearted, and which, in fact, is indispensable, is VDARE.
Not only is VDARE (those mysterious typos, notwithstanding) the best-written Web site that I know of, it is the indispensable Web site, which has had more of a positive effect than any 200 GOP talking points sites (some of which are edited by would-be political consultants) combined.
VDARE is devoted to the National Question. As in, shall the United States of America endure, and what is necessary to do, in order to ensure that it does? Since presently, the greatest threat to the continued existence of these United States is mass immigration, legal and illegal, immigration is VDARE’s preoccupation.
How important is VDARE? Pat Buchanan’s just released work, State of Emergency, is easily the most important immigration book written since Michelle Malkin’s Invasion, four years ago. (It may be the most important book since VDARE founder Peter Brimelow’s 1995 work, Alien Nation.) The impeccable statistical research Buchanan cites in State of Emergency was provided by statistician Edwin Rubinstein, a regular VDARE columnist. And when the standard-setting report on race in America, The State of White America, appears later this month, it too will have statistical foundations provided by Ed Rubinstein.
But that’s not all, folks.
Steve Sailer, another regular VDARE columnist, may well be the most brilliant intellectual-journalist working in the English language today.
A listing of just a few of its exposés (including two from yours truly) follows:
S. 2611 Amnesty/Open Borders/Immigration Acceleration Bill – VDARE helped galvanize opposition that shelved the bill for now, and exposed the Pence Plan by Cong. Mike Pence (R-Indiana), that sought to backdoor amnesty, while claiming to be a “rational middle ground.”
Misrepresenting the Hispanic Vote: Steve Sailer has for several years continually exposed the myths whereby not only the socialist MSM, but their Republican counterparts, not to mention politicians from both major parties have proceeded as if Hispanics’ votes somehow counted for more than whites’ votes.
Naming Open Border Lobby names: VDARE writers have shown how low the OBL will sink, in order to defend the indefensible, such as in Patrick Cleburne’s exposé of Colorado horse farm owner Helen Krieble’s agitations for amnesty, whereby Krieble seeks to depress the wages she has to pay her workers.
VDAWDI: With his VDARE American Worker Displacement Index, Edwin S. Rubenstein has kept a monthly tab on the rise of “immigrant” employment, and concurrent decline in the employment of Americans.
EOIR: In what he should have turned into a book by now, immigration attorney and VDARE columnist Juan Mann has shown how the Executive Office of Immigration Review has undermined the enforcement of immigration law.
America’s Worst Immigration Journalist: VDARE columnist Joe Guzzardi presides over one of the fiercest journalism competitions in existence: determining who, of all the shamelessly dishonest open borders shills, is the worst.
God & Girl at a Catholic University: Athena Kerry’s series showed the decline into multicultural nihilism of one once proudly Catholic institution.
Diversity is Strength! It’s Also … Police Corruption: In 1995, the New York City Police Department hired illegal alien Martin Peters. When Peters came under suspicion in the murder of the mother of his child, and the NYPD showed reticence about promoting him to sergeant, Peters who played the race card, and got his promotion. Sgt. Peters is now under indictment for Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, Intimidating a Witness in the Third Degree, Menacing in the Second Degree, three counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, defrauding HUD out of $38,724 in rent subsidies, bankruptcy fraud and last, but not least, immigration fraud.
“Disappearing” Urban Crime: shows the methods of statistical fraud the NYPD employs to make New York “America’s Safest Big City.”
The VDARE Blog:VDARE has one of the best blogs on the Web, with steady contributions from its regular columnists, plus bloggers Patrick Cleburne and Randall Burns.
If you doubt me, try for yourself!
Syndicated columnists: VDARE also runs and archives the columns of Pat Buchanan and Michelle Malkin. So, what’s the big deal about running columns you can read anywhere? The big deal is that nowhere else can you read these columns with the encyclopedic links that VDARE’s editors weave into the text.
Sam Francis: Over the past twenty or so years, Sam Francis was one of America's most important political thinkers, and one of her few honest writers on race. Francis died on February 15, 2005 of complications following heart surgery, at the age of 57. But during his brief stay in this vale of tears, Francis was as prolific as he was insightful. And all of the approximately 400 columns he wrote for VDARE are still available at his VDARE archive, which also contains links to obituaries honoring him, to his work for Chronicles magazine and townhall.com, and to the newly published collection of some of his work. This archive is a treasure trove.
Donate: Please give to VDARE. If you do so by December 31, you can write your contribution off your 2006 taxes. And tax write-offs aside, giving to VDARE is, in the words of one of my favorite ex-convicts, A good thing.
By Nicholas Stix Originally published on April 21, 2006
VDARE has the best, up-to-the minute coverage of the Amnesty Wars at its blog. When Congress is in session, debating amnesty proposals that run from worse to worser (yes, they even defeat the English language, but then, that’s the point!), VDARE is the only place, short of continuously watching C-SPAN, where you’ll get up-to-the-minute coverage. But VDARE costs money.
And so, if you want to financially support VDARE -- and of course, you do! -- hit this link.
1. Whenever socialists/communists/whatevers say that the Republican Party must drop strategy X and go with Y, if it wants to win, you know they believe the opposite. These mopes are scared of this "non-issue."
2. Donald Trump is an obnoxious moron, but for once in his life his narcissism has served the public weal.
3. As I showed in August 2008, the John Doe calling himself "Barack Obama" was likely legally ineligible to run, and is likely presently unqualified to occupy the White House, due to his having run under a false name, and having dual US-Indonesian citizenship.
This link is to a graphic video of a racist attack by two black females against a white woman [update: confused man]. Note that the store's black employees did nothing to protect the white victim, let alone to arrest the two racist black attackers. Employees only gently intervened after an elderly woman of indeterminate race [update: Apparently, she was white] put her life on the line to protect the victim.
At one point, the victim defended herself [himself] against one attacker, but the second attacker came from behind, grabbed her hair, and dragged her backwards along the floor. The victim was repeatedly kicked and stomped in the face and head, huge clumps of hair were ripped out of her head and, by the end, she was suffering seizures. The employees watched. They did not come to her aid, and they did not call police.
The employees should be arrested, either as accessories, or under refusal-to-render assistance laws.
In any event, the victim, should she live and be physically able, should sue McDonald's for $1 billion. And if she dies or is rendered unable to take care of her affairs, her family should sue the racist fast-food giant for $1 billion, I am not kidding.
These sorts of attacks are being committed thousands of times per day across the country. They are virtually never prosecuted as hate crimes, and often the white victim is arrested, due to routine false police statements that are made by racist blacks at the scene of the crime.
I know this, because I endured such an attack in a packed Waldbaum's supermarket last May, in front of scores of witnesses and my 10-year-old son. Although my attacker was arrested--because I had bloody wounds from her scratches, while she had none--so was I, due to two racist, "respectable" black women who immediately lied to police on her behalf. Three middle-aged whites showed me sympathy, but none spoke to police on my behalf. And indeed, I didn't think it would be necessary to get witnesses to speak on my behalf, because the attack was committed in front of the cash registers and at least one closed circuit TV camera.
(The store manager wanted to send everyone on their way. It was I who insisted on his calling police, since the videotape would have caught the entire attack.)
But the supervising officer, a black female sergeant, insisted that the camera positioned to film the cash register area--in case of armed robbery--wasn't working. I didn't believe her then, and I still don't. I made a complaint to NYPD Internal Affairs, which dispatched two youngish white women, an Italian sergeant and a possibly German patrol officer. The Italian sergeant said the black sergeant couldn't be racist because, "Her husband is white." I responded, "That didn't help Justin Volpe," whose fiancee was black. At least she had the decency to go silent, at that point.
In March, 1993, I endured a racist attack in the Brooklyn General Post Office (the main office for the entire borough), right at the service counter, which was witnessed by several black and Hispanic workers, and the black manager. I wasn't even aware of the presence of my attacker, a black man a foot taller and 80 pounds heavier than me, until after he had snuck up behind me and sucker-punched me. After a furious attack, in which the attacker pounded me, after knocking me down, I called for the federal police officer who ambled over--but did not break up the attack--to arrest my attacker. While I thought the cop was arresting my attacker, he was in fact aiding and abetting him by walking him to freedom, outside the post office.
The attack was not spontaneous, but rehearsed by a team of two who had surely carried off many such attacks before and since. There were two entrances to the line for service. I entered one, and stood alone waiting to be called for by a clerk. Seconds after I had entered, a black 40-ish woman about five inches taller and at least 80 pounds heavier than me--i.e., as heavy as her boyfriend--walked in through the other entrance, about 100 feet away. She walked toward me, and then cut in front of me, as if I were invisible. I walked after her, saying, "Ma'am, I was here first." She then wheeled on me, and sought to sucker-punch me. I somehow eluded her puch, and shoved her, at which point her boyfriend, who had been stalking me just outside of the entrance I'd entered, snuck up and sucker-punched me in the head.
When I learned that the postal policeman had aided and abetted my attackers, I demanded that someone call the NYPD. They did, but the two Hispanic cops who showed up were hostile towards me. The only thing they did for me was drop me off at a nearby hospital to get examined. There were no injuries.
I just told my family that we will not be eating in a McDonald's again… ever. If McDonald's wants to identify itself as a black fast-food chain, that is its prerogative, but without whites' money, it will soon sink to the level of a niche operation. There have been movements to boycott McDonald's for other reasons that bogged down. Perhaps this video will help jumpstart another such movement.
At Red Meat Conservative, Daniel Horowitz notes that the local newspaper, the Baltimore Sun, sought to cover up this crime, but failed, due to the video having gone viral, and in large part due to people learning about it at the Drudge Report.
That is the way the MSM function today: They routinely seek to suppress news of life-and-death significance to the majority of its audience--in the case of newspapers, which few blacks or Hispanics read, the overwhelming majority of its audience. But that overwhelmingly white newspaper audience consists of the very people whom today's newspaperpersons hate. And newspaperpersons wonder that their industry is going bankrupt!
*Outside of Maryland, most folks assume,as I once did, that "Baltimore" refers to the city once famous for crab cakes, the Orioles, the Colts, and H.L. Mencken, but which is today infamous for racist black violence. However the city of Baltimore is part of the county of Baltimore. This story is about a racist black-on-white attack that was committed in a McDonald's in Baltimore County.
I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance.
Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.