Friday, March 14, 2025

"the indians were among other citizens of asian and african countries who had traveled to thailand or burma to pursue fake it job offers"

By R.C.
friday, march 14, 2025 at 10:01:38 p.m. edt

"the indians were among other citizens of asian and african countries who had traveled to thailand or myanmar to pursue fake it job offers"

"india rescues hundreds from myanmar 'cyber slavery' — rt india

And Elon wants to bring them here.


Anonymous said...

John Wayne,making a movie today about these indians would say,"Listen,pilgrims,we've got different savages to defend our country from in 2025. That's the bad news. The good news is all you have to do is aim for the dots on their foreheads. It's a helluva lot easier shooting THESE injuns than the feather wearing ones. Good luck "


AbolishTenure said...

attn Mr. D.J.T. of D.C. .... SEE? You should adopt my "Stay in Bombay" policy as your own because it's humanitarian, saving those po' folk from scammers. As well as the obvious benefit of slowing the sh*t-hole-ification of America's cities. Ignore the bleeding heart banter about thousands of Rajiv Standishes seeking only for freedom to worship his billions of gods.

Anonymous said...

Musk is not an American. I don't believe he cares about what happens to ordinary Americans. I think he is a narcissist who wants to be powerful and bask in the public eye. Has he ever made money without getting subsidized or paid from public money? Trump seems in love with the guy but I don't trust him. There are already far too many Indians here and they tend to discriminate against non-Indians when they get a chance.

AbolishTenure said...

And we've seen more than one headline like this:
Ancient Indian Caste Prejudice Rises as Political Issue in Increasingly Diverse California