Saturday, March 15, 2025

racist track runner who pounded girl who had passed her with her baton, arrested for assault, pulls race hoax (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

"mar 13, 2025 #TrackRace #Virginia #IamSean90
"in this video I discuss the how the viral video of Alaila Everett striking another sprinter in a Virginia state race has resulted in an arrest"

Alaila Everett is not the "alleged" perp, she's the perp. When you have the video of a crime, you don't have to say, "alleged." In the presence of the video, the host is shilly-shallying with weasel words.

Another problem with him, is his abuse of the word, "obviously."

An officer of the court must say, "allegedly," but the host is not an officer of the court.

Likewise, Kaelen Tucker is not the "alleged" victim, she's Alaila Everett's victim.

Now, who doctored the video? The Everett family, gma, or a staffer of the local news cast? the host says it was gma.

"track star arrested for assault"


Anonymous said...

Was second place that important?


Anonymous said...

The truth of all these controversies--as reported on msm--is represented by the skeleton,next to the host.


Anonymous said...

So GMA messed with the video to make it look like there wasn't an assault? That's what the guy on the posted show said. If true,what is GMA's punishment for lying? I'm asking this to the new FCC chairman.