Friday, March 01, 2024

"judge who let alleged nyc subway cello attacker with 8 priors walk is ex-public defender endorsed by slew of liberals"

By N.S.

"judge who let alleged nyc subway cello attacker with 8 priors walk is ex-public defender endorsed by slew of liberals"

"judge Marva Brown on thursday opted to release 23-year-old Amira Hunter after she was nabbed for allegedly smashing a bottle over a performing cellist's head at the Herald square subway..."


Anonymous said...

I knew Marva was a larva(nigro)--she's just getting started in the "black law" business of setting blacks free and locking up Whites.

THIS may be the most crucial area of the country's decimation as we go forward.

I have to wonder if Marva is as stupid as Fani.

She looks it.

Marva,Letitia and Fani deciding ANYTHING is a joke--and throw in tbe SCOTUS negress as well.Biden will probably appoint one of these three to future SCOTUS vacancies.

Or Mike Obama--just as bad,


Anonymous said...

If the liberal [a leftist in NYC] is in favor of the judge and speak highly of her then you know the judge is bad news.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the White tuba player who used to play outside the Seattle Opera. Black thugs robbed and beat him to death. I believe the thugs did serve some time, but not enough because one of them later shot someone. This was one of the first things I wrote to Stix about. Looks like some things never change. By the way, we used to have season tickets to the Seattle Opera. But no more--they put a leftist spin on everything and I notice that they feature minority singers in nearly all productions--out of all proportion to their numbers in the population.

Nicholas said...

One of “Tuba Man’s” (Edward Scott McMichael) killers is Billy Chambers, who became known as such when he bragged about it a few years later. He had attempted to murder one of his previous White victims by ramming her car with his car (how would he have a car?), but the King county da only charged him with “assault.” The old and new victim had called the police when she’d caught him breaking into her car. Chambers would be about 29 by now. God knows how many Whites he’s since robbed, raped, and murdered. This was in Seattle, which was then only 7.7% black.

"Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael: Three Race Murders in Seattle"