Saturday, March 16, 2024

"extending work authorization to America’s undocumented will boost economy"

By A Texas Reader
saturday, march 16, 2024 at 03:47:11 p.m. edt

"extending work authorization to America’s undocumented will boost economy, advocates say," while costing millions of Americans their jobs!

Economics 101: Shortages of labor are always a result of price.

Pay folks more.


The Democratic Marxist News is always pushing its daily dose of agitprop, re: wetbacks and the “need” for more cheap labor.


Anonymous said...

When I was 16,my folks decided to send me to a farm to pick fruit and vegetables as work.It was just to the west of Grand Rapids;I was hired and spent all day harvesting crops.The Mex I talked to(and there were plenty)wanted me to take my day's pay and add it to theirs to buy booze and drink it with them--I said "no." I think I made $10 cash for one day's work.My folks decided it was not safe enough a place and soon I was working at a bowling alley in a semi-ghetto area.There,I got into a fight with two black kids,my age,who skipped out on paying for bowling(50 cents a game).They didn't have guns or knives in Grand Rapids back then and we scrapped a while and they took off.

Those days are long gone.


Anonymous said...


If they want to come to USA go stand in line at the USA embassy or consulate in your own country, fill out the paperwork, wait your turn.

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens do help people become richer--but I remember reading an article by an economist that said the increased amount of money that employers made was equal to the decreased money that employees made. So illegal aliens hurt working people--not to mention the increased taxes to pay for all the government benefits the illegals get. Then there is the crime and the degradation of society by the presence of large numbers of people without traditional Western American values.