Thursday, November 23, 2023

"shocking analysis: only 1 out of 16 black student applicants accepted by Harvard DESERVE to be there based on merit alone"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
thursday, november 23, 2023 at 05:29:21 p.m. est

"shocking analysis: only 1 out of 16 black student applicants accepted by Harvard DESERVE to be there based on merit alone"

You know what is “shocking”?

Finding a virgin at a puerto rican wedding.


Anonymous said...

Will Munny theme today:"Deservin's got nothing to do with it--the evisceration of our country does."


Anonymous said...

And of that one in sixteen how many ever graduate? Merit for the negro hardly means a lot? A mediocre merit.

Anonymous said...

The last sentence reminds me of the now outlawed Espanola joke (Espanola is a town in New Mexico famous as "The Low Rider Capital of the World"). Joke: why wasn't Christ born in Esponola? Answer: They couldn't find a virgin and three wise men.