Saturday, April 15, 2023

Why Not Hybrid Instead of Electric Cars in the 2030s?

sat, apr 15, 2023 11:33 a.m.

Why Not Hybrid Instead of Electric Cars in the 2030s?

C'mon, the real intent is to slow or completely thwart the importation of foreign oil, thereby benefiting the dollar and trade deficit.
Plus bevs (battery electric vehicles) will need to be metered somehow (or tracked) in order to pay for road maintenance.  Currently, much of this maintenance is paid for with road use taxes assessed at the gas or diesel pump.
This metering will enable the state to remotely inactivate electric vehicles in order to reduce demand on the grid, or even for "national security" purposes.
It is that simple.
The Biden administration's plan to stifle auto pollution and spur electric vehicles is expected to shrink u.s. oil demand by an estimated 17 billion barrels through 2055.
"We're strengthening our energy security, we're reducing our reliance on foreign oil," and "we're reducing our reliance on fossil fuels," environmental protection agency administrator Michael Regan said Wednesday. 
By the way, there is no such thing as "fossil fuels."
The bull--it term was invented by John D. Rockefeller.
Yet members of the parasitic referee class bandy it about like they know what they are talking about.


Anonymous said...

2055?I'll be driving my Wormmobile by then.


Anonymous said...

The whole thing will be a disaster if people don't wake up and throw out the scheming politicians because thee is no way to provide the electricity to run all those cars. California already has rolling blackouts--imagine how bad it will be with a huge increase in battery-powered cars and forced use of electricity in homes instead of natural gas. No way solar cells can do it--they only provide a few hours of electricity a day on a good day--no way enough batteries could be built to provide electricity for the other 18 hours. Bird blender windmills don't work when the wind doesn't blow or if it blows too hard and are the least efficient was to make power. Germany showed they are just as stupid--shutting down their last nuclear power plants. The whole "green" movement is as stupid as the Children's Crusade--a triumph of blind religion over common sense.

Anonymous said...

"The whole 'green' movement is as stupid as the Children's Crusade--a triumph of blind religion over common sense."

Think not so much stupid as evil. Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside. Like Greta what is her name?