By Merlin
sun, apr 23, 2023 11:01 p.m.
Then there's REAL racism

Then there's RACISM. The Good Citizen provided a wide-ranging, meaty post that included the following excerpt. PDFed article also attached.
After a decade of this race hustle, a public figure can say openly that white people are evil and should die and that person will find themselves tenure, a broadcasting promotion, new advertisers, and an army of indoctrinated campus crazies following them on the most popular herding platform for certifiable retards on the planet—TikTok.
We are now supposed to believe that white-on-black crime is endemic, a total and complete statistical inversion of reality by a double-digit factor.
[N.S.: Actually, in 2021, the black share of murders was up to 60.4%, which rose to 64% in 2022.]
You can't offer these facts or say these truths at white liberal cocktail parties or you'll be called…racist. Why? Because as the title of a great Michael Savage book says: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
Part one of changing anything is tearing down network news from the top down,the bottom up or anywhere in between.I can only propose two ideas:An insurrection by regular citizens into the places where news broadcasts are produced and since these entities claim to be around to "serve and protect the public"(as I always see on ads for local stations),we must protest their failure to do so--in person--and fire the offenders.
The second suggestion is actually occurring now--an embryonic attempt by Elon Musk--with his revamping of Twitter.My suggestion,many months ago,was for a billionaire to start a REAL conservative tv network.Report black crime,Mex crime,hire Whites to read the news and give uncensored opinions about the state of our cities,states and countries.
To exact the change needed in the USA,a one-sided news media cannot be allowed to continue.
I especially like the map of Los Angeles where the Trader Joe are NOT. That is the area to stay away from. We owe the person who compiled that map a big thanks.
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