Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Fall of the Cabal - Series 1: Part 4

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Apr 15, 2023 11:43 a.m.

The Fall of The Cabal - Series 1: Part 4

Why Haiti?

Oil rich.

That is why.

Same reason why Rex Tillerson was made Secretary of State.

exxon has huge production facilities in the country of guyana, which is immediately adjacent to venezuela, a country with the world's largest proven reserves of oil.

guyana is allowed to produce oil freely.

But not venezuela.

Why is that?

By the way, the whole world is grossly overpaying for oil and natural gas.

It's because so much of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas are off limits for drilling for one reason or another.

Grossly overpaying.

Check this s--t out Rogait!!


Anonymous said...

DTE Energy--intentionally or not--locked in nat gas prices at around 7 per whatever measure they use,last September.Since then,nat gas prices have fallen to TWO!A precipitous decline!

They will not however,reduce the amount on the budget plan.$126.00 a month based on last September,is what I pay,but it SHOULD BE around $40,based on current wholesale prices.

DTE will do the right thing when hell freezes over or Biden utters a coherent sentence--not until then.


Anonymous said...

"By the way, the whole world is grossly overpaying for oil and natural gas."

This is also true due to the way pricing contracts work.

The price of a commodity is determined in a derivative market, for example futures. This price always includes a volatility component which reflects a current estimate of perceived future risk to demand, supply, etc. For things like the international trade in oil, this risk component usually depends heavily on global politics: with no change in supply/demand, the contracted price of oil for future delivery can be greatly increased by this volatility/risk component.

Anonymous said...

Only solution to the Haiti problem is to depopulate the area, replant with vegetation and let about 500 years to pass without human habitation.

As to how to depopulate, don't ask me how.