Friday, April 21, 2023

nation of islam new york mayor Eric Adams says the city is being 'destroyed' by the migrant [sic] crisis [sic] (video)

By R.C.
fri, apr 21, 2023 9:03 p.m.

"new york mayor Eric Adams says the city is being 'destroyed' by the migrant crisis (video)"

I think he gave them a helping hand.

Hint: Think soweto.

N.S.: What "migrant crisis"? There's no such thing. First of all, they're not "migrants," who are citizens moving from one area to another within a country. Secondly, there's no "crisis." fake president/real gangster Joe Biden invited tens of millions of foreign criminals to invade the country, with help from "voluntary" (read: private) companies, whose profits come entirely from procuring foreign criminals.


Anonymous said...

Adams doesn't like "nig*er saturation" taking place--the black population getting reduced--in percentage terms--by spicanos pouring in.

Similar to watering down(diluting)the punchbowl.


Anonymous said...

Chickens come home to roost. I for one am not glad.

Cool brother Malcom Little [X] said after the Kennedy the "chickens came home to roost and he for one was glad."