Friday, April 21, 2023

a faceless, raceless creature killed a ten-year-old boy at a trampoline park in merced, california, but knx news and the cops refuse to release any information

By R.C.
fri, apr 21, 2023 8:42 p.m.

merced boy dies after getting into fight at trampoline park

“merced, calif. (knx) – a 10-year-old boy died days after he got into a fight with another child inside a trampoline park in merced, police said.

“Anthony Duran was playing basketball at the rockin’ jump on april 13, when police said the 10-year-old got into a ‘brief physical altercation’ with another child. Duran collapsed and the other child ran away.

“Duran was rushed to the hospital. on monday, it was revealed the child had died.”


Anonymous said...

Ten year olds don't die of "brief altercations,unless the altercation included a knife wedged in his abdomen.I'd wager on that.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Details are sketchy on this, most likely because the perp or perps are black. There was mention in the article I saw of another attacker being involved (more?) but that was only mentioned in passing. Likely a gang attack on one but only one will be blamed, any others involved will be absolved which is usually what happens in black on White gang attacks.

Anonymous said...

[Authorities have “identified the other youth involved in the altercation and have been in contact with the parents throughout this investigation," they said."]

"but knx news and the cops refuse to release any information"

It's normal that an identity, or even identifying info, is not released if juveniles are involved. It's a matter of law.

No point in faux outrage about it.

"Details are sketchy on this, most likely because the perp or perps are black."

Uhh, no.

If "details are sketchy" it's because a juvenile is involved and it is illegal for authorities to release the identity. It is probably also illegal to publish the identity if it becomes known. This is pretty much standard everywhere in the US, also the West generally (every white country has such laws).

It's possible the kid is black, but unlikely. Merced is less than 5% black:

"Likely a gang attack"

The kid was only 10 y/o. Maybe the other kid is older, but still a juvenile.

What seems likely is he was punched for some reason and fell back and struck his head. This can result in a catastrophic brain injury. Several "knockout game" victims died that way. That's what killed Ethan Liming in Akron.

"Witnesses had reported seeing Duran playing basketball inside the establishment when he and the other child started fighting, police said.

“As a result, Duran collapsed and the other juvenile fled on foot,” police said."

Nicholas said...

(eahilf?) "It's normal that an identity, or even identifying info, is not released if juveniles are involved. It's a matter of law."

N.S.: No, it isn't.

"No point in faux outrage about it."

No point in making dishonest mischief.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Pop. of Merced is about 89K and blacks make up 4.7% of the population. Here in PDX blacks are about 6% of the population but are responsible for around 60% of the murders and the majority of violent unprovoked racist assaults. I've observed youthful negroes practicing those kind of violent assaults in much the same way their older brethren do so it starts pretty young. All it takes is 2 or 3 for a gang attack that can prove to be fatal and I don't think Merced having a couple of percentage points less blacks makes it that much less likely they were involved. OK, maybe it is a little less but the odds are still high, and then again, are California negroes angrier and more violent than PDX ones?

As for sketchy, yeah when minors are involved they are more reticent with details but when they are black, details are even sketchier. You may not choose to see that but that's your issue. I have seen minors identified, when they were White that is. No, not all the time and not recently, I do think the media and police are being a little more careful about that but in the past, they were less so. Besides, woke media operatives would love nothing better than to put Whitey on the front pages for every possible crime and keep black faces off of it. Only reason they don't is that they get backlash for it, so they sneakily "downplay" black criminals and "emphasize" White ones. Kind of like the way they are keeping Murdaugh on our radar while near ignoring equally vile, if not worse, black killers.

Non White hispancs are 24% Merced population also, I probably should have included some little MS-13 wannabes as possible perps also. It was in the back of my mind but I usually default to black because that's more often the case.

I didn't really make a prediction anyways, I didn't say for sure they are black, I said it was likely but hey, maybe that's wrong, I don't know for sure but I've been right about 90% of the time so why do you think it's unreasonable to point out the high likelihood that negroes are behind this one also?

Anonymous said...

"N.S.: No, it isn't."

Yes, it is. There are rules and laws about protecting the identity of juveniles. It is entirely normal that authorities will not release such info. Why deny this obvious fact?

In some cases this info will come to light (be published), but it is generally not released or communicated to the media or public by authorities as normally happens with adults.

"No point in making dishonest mischief."

It isn't "mischief" to point out that there are rules and legal restrictions that prevent authorities from releasing info about juveniles, and this practice has nothing specifically to do with race.

Here is a general article about the practice:

Generally court proceedings involving juveniles are closed to the public and media. Here is something about that practice in CA (but it is similar everywhere):
"Generally, juvenile case files are confidential except in certain circumstances."

Here is an editorial about that:

California has strong restrictions on transferring juvenile cases to the adult court system:

It's best to live in the real world.

Anonymous said...

"I didn't really make a prediction anyways, I didn't say for sure they are black"

Here is what you said:

"Details are sketchy on this, most likely because the perp or perps are black."

In response, it was simply pointed out to you that the "most likely" part is wrong. The reason "details are sketchy" is because of normal confidential handling of juvenile cases. Authorities do not normally communicate details of juvenile cases to the media or public.

However such info can become known. If such info becomes known, publishing it would not necessarily be illegal. It would generally be protected by e.g. the 1A. But most media outlets have ethical rules and practices about respecting juvenile confidentiality and would not publish such info. It may be possible for anyone whose identity is so reported and exposed, or their family, to petition a court to order the info taken down. In the same way, most court records of juveniles are automatically sealed, but if not a petition can be made to seal them.

Anonymous said...

Here is a story about juveniles in Illinois:

It's a pretty serious matter: stolen car crashed into a pickup, and a 6 month old in the pickup died (Hispanic kid who probably was not in a car seat or otherwise appropriately restrained).

Here are two mainstream media articles about this case:

If you can find a mainstream news article that names these juveniles (who are probably black, this is Chicago after all), post a link to it here.

Again: authorities will not normally release, and media outlets will not normally publish, info about juveniles.

This case ought to be sent to adult court and the perps charged with vehicular manslaughter. But in Chicago who knows.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
???? Yes, that is correct, I said "most likely", not for certain. Exactly my point yet you are posting what I wrote as if it is evidence that I had made an absolute prediction, but it is only verifying that I did not. Our intent on "speculation" about the race on these kind of incidents is not to say that we know for certain "every" one is committed by a member of the 13% but to point out the wildly disproportionate amount of these acts of violence they do commit. Especially since the MSM refuses to. Why does that disturb you so much?

BTW How do you know the "most likely" part is wrong? That is an absolute, "most likely" is not an absolute so how do you know for certain the attackers, or attackers, are not black or hispanic? Do you have some inside info we do not? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

"BTW How do you know the "most likely" part is wrong?"

The "most likely" part is wrong because of simple logic: the REQUIRED normal confidential handling of juvenile cases.

To make sure it is 100% clear: you suggested (more or less) that "details were sketchy most likely because the perpetrator was black", meaning if the perpetrator was not black they would "likely" have released info -- but this is not true because the "most likely" reason that "details are sketchy" is really the only relevant reason: due to normal confidential handling of juvenile cases. Criminal cases involving juveniles are normally handled confidentially by authorities regardless of the race of the offender(s), which plays no role.

Of course some "woke" authorities (also the media) may be happier about this required confidentiality if the accused juveniles are "teens", but that is beside the point because rules REQUIRE confidential handling of all juvenile cases. So in a context where confidentially is REQUIRED, it makes no sense to posit some other "most likely" reason.

Ever heard the expression "when you're in a hole stop digging"?

Anonymous said...

"Why does that disturb you so much?"

To make something else clear to you: it doesn't "disturb" me when people point out the fact that non-whites, especially Blacks, commit way more than their expected share of crime. I have absolutely no problem with that.

However I would suggest not speculating about it before details are known, because this opens you to an accusation of being a "racist" (not that I personally care about being called a "racist").

In general it is better to wait until details are known because you might be wrong. For example in the recent case of the Temple Univ cop who was killedh in Philadelphia. The cop had an Irish sounding name, Fitzgerald. Before details including a foto were released, it was natural to assume the cop was white and the shooter black. And I did assume that. But the reverse was true: the cop Fitzgerald was black, and the kid arrested for killing him is white (look it up).

My comment was SPECIFICALLY about the "most likely" reason "details were sketchy", and NOTHING ELSE.

I DID NOT comment because you implied that Blacks commit a huge share of violent crime. I KNOW THEY DO.

"I had made an absolute prediction"

I can read. I know you didn't make an "absolute prediction". In any case, I WAS NOT COMMENTING ABOUT THAT.

And it may turn out you are right about the perpetrator being black.

But you are not correct about that being the "most likely reason details are sketchy". The reason "details are sketchy" is confidential handling of juvenile cases.

Got it?

Stop digging that hole.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Chicago carjacking crash where a 6 m/o was killed:

At the link above is a news report about it, with video. At the 1m11s mark in the video, it is claimed a car seat is visible in the wreck. The video shows the impact, and it looks like the airbag on the truck carrying the 6 m/o inflated.

The 6 m/o died of head injuries. Usually this means the child was flung around inside the vehicle after the crash and hit its head. It's not clear if the 6 m/o was properly restrained in the car seat, if the car seat was properly/securely fixed, and why or how he suffered fatal head injuries.

This case is getting enough attention that the two juveniles will probably face stiffer charges. The case of the 17 y/o should definitely be moved to adult court. Both cases ought to be moved to adult court (if possible under IL law).

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
OK, so the crux of your issue is that you don't think anybody should speculate about a perp being black before they "know". Why not exactly? When certain crimes occur and certain details are in place, it's pretty easy to predict the perp will usually be black. Occasionally we are wrong but so what? We do it because the media refuses to even entertain the notion that blacks commit disproportionate amounts of crime and pointing it out in comments fields is tweaking the noses of wokesters get easily triggered, kind of like you do. It's also to satirize and hit back at the way society assumes White men are the only mass shooters, serial killers or child rapists. When those crimes happen, White libs and blacks assume it's a White male thing and say so publicly...but the crazy thing is, they are usually wrong! So why can't we mock them in the same way? Especially because when we predict the perps are black...we are usually right!

Since when does being accused of being racist dictate what you say or write? I've got news for you, they already think you are a racist and not pointing certain types of crimes are likely to have black perps isn't going to make one bit of difference. Just being here and commenting on NSU puts you on the leftist enemy list as a racist. Sorry to burst your virtue bubble but that's the way it is.

OK, I probably jumped the gun a bit by saying the police/media didn't release their identities because they are black, but in my defense, I really meant the reason the media has started all this "covering up of identities" of perps is to cover for the extraordinary high rate of black criminality. They no longer release mugshots, race descriptors (most of the time) and camouflage stats to hide black criminal behavior. I suspect that hiding juvenile identities is for the same reason, though they will claim it's to "protect children". Maybe I shouldn't lump it all together like that but I just do sometimes. So shoot me. It's nothing compared to the kind of awesomely deceptive BS coming from the left on these kind of subjects, so why not go after them and their lies and distortions in comment fields? It's pointless here, we're supposed to be on the same side and we all know what we mean (except for you it seems) even if we generalize a bit and employ some satire.