Friday, April 21, 2023

First forensic witness in war crime trial of black Coley McCraney for the murder of pretty, White, 17-Year-Olds Tracie Hawlett and J.B. Beasley, and for Beasley’s Rape, is Lousy!

By David in TN
friday, april 21, 2023 at 12:32:00 a.m. edt

From wtvy dothan, alabama.

On thursday, the testimony was by forensic witnesses. In my opinion, they were weak under cross-examination, like their counterparts in the O.J. Simpson criminal trial. When the autopsy witness was asked by the defense, “It’s easy to make a mistake isn’t it?,” the brilliant witness obligingly answered, “Yes, it is.”

Utter stupidity. He should have said, “I check and re-check to make sure my judgments are correct.” From the trial accounts, the prosecutor, who is the attorney general of the state of alabama, doesn’t bother with (or has never heard of), re-direct examination of his witnesses.

The dna witness is supposed to testify for the prosecution on friday.

Previously, on this racist atrocity:

“Were Two Cold Case Murder-Rapes Hate Crimes? Coley McCraney, 45, Arrested for Allegedly Raping and Murdering Two Pretty White Girls in Alabama, in 1999; and No, He’s Not Irish!”;

“black-on-White Murder Cases Currently on a News Blackout (Whiteout?) to Keep an Eye on”;

“Trial Date for 1999 Alabama War Crime Murders”;

“the usual suspects are up to their usual tricks, engineering a hoax, in seeking to sabotage justice in the war crime trial over the rape-murders of Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley”;

“The War Crime Rapes and Murders of J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett” (with media links);

“Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley murder trial nears”;

“news in the Hawlett-Beasley murders: did the White cop do it?”

“BREAKING NEWS! woman admits, ‘I lied’”;

“BREAKING NEWS! Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley double rape-murder hate crime trial delayed until 2023”;

“Breaking News on the Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley Rape-Double Murder Trial”;

“War Crime: ‘JB & Tracie: The Teen Murders’; Trial Slated to Begin (Video)”;

“Could the Beasley-Hawlett Rape-Double Murder War Crime Trial of Coley McCraney be a Repeat of the Knoxville Horror Trial of Lemaricus Davidson?”;

“The Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley Double Murder-Rape Trial, Day One”;

“Jury seated in Beasley-Hawlett rape/double murder trial”; and

“The alabama war crime trial of black Coley McRaney for the double murder of White Girls Tracie Hawlett and J.B. Beasley, and the rape of Beasley: Continuous jury troubles (Three reports from multiple sources, and three sets of photos!).”


Anonymous said...

Is the fix in?


Anonymous said...

Are "experts" only sure these days when a White is on trial?With black murderers,we get,"Ahhh hell,the evidence COULD be wrong."

With Chauvin,there was NO DOUBT,the foot killed Floyd.

Yes,especially since the miserable,black druggie was going to "overdose heaven" already--thanks to his aerobic workout in the cruiser beforehand.



David In TN said...

I'm going to write something longer on Saturday. Somebody at the Websleuth Forum said the prosecution has done some redirect examination. We don't have Jamie Satterfield covering this trial.

McCramey's wife testified Friday afternoon. She said her wonderful husband came home clean with no blood or mud on him. Incidentally, she put him at the Big Little Store which the girls were abducted from.

McCraney supposedly got in their car, had sex with J.B. Beasley, then "gave them directions to Highway 231 heading toward Dothan." Well, why didn't Tracie and J.B. drive back to their homes in Dothan?

The autopsies revealed Tracie Hawlett and J.B. Beasley had no drugs or alcohol in their bodies. Had any drugs or alcohol been in them the defense would never shut up about it.