Friday, April 21, 2023

This is why Walmarts and many other stores are leaving chicago: These cities are moving into terminal end points (video)

By Merlin
fri, apr 21, 2023 11:30 p.m.

This is why Walmarts and many other stores are leaving chicago.

These cities are moving into terminal end points.

When the food stores are gone, then what? You can't live where no food is available.

The animals have taken over most large American cities, and when the food is gone, they'll be coming to your neighborhood to get something to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's no way a business can function in a city of over 30% black.There's a line somewhere--and I don't know the exact number,it may be 25%,20%--where crime and theft brings the business model into escape mode--the company has to leave.

Once Chicago went over 35% black,it was over,you might as well open a Walmart in prison.

The only question is,in cities like Atlanta or Philly,how are stores staying open there--or is their day coming?They may have resources that mitigate the constant shoplifting and theft--better tax write-offs?I know Illinois has the highest tax rate in the country.

That COULD be the answer to why Chicago,but not other nig cities.