Sunday, April 16, 2023

"men of african descent are known to have a far higher incidence of prostate cancer than other men. a new meta-analysis, the largest to date, has shed light on why this is so, identifying nine new genetic variants that increase the risk of prostate cancer"

sat, apr 15, 2023 3:44 pm
"men of african descent are known to have a far higher incidence of prostate cancer than other men. a new meta-analysis, the largest to date, has shed light on why this is so, identifying nine new genetic variants that increase the risk of prostate cancer"
Men of African descent are known to have a far higher incidence of prostate cancer than other men. A new meta-analysis, the largest to date, has shed light on why this is so, identifying nine new genetic variants that increase the risk of prostate cancer in men of African ancestry.
So, race is not a social construct after all?


Anonymous said...

Now switch from prostate to brain for more differences.


Anonymous said...

Among the different species of mankind, the different races, nationalities, ethnicities all have varying degrees of predisposition for illness.

Older whitey men get bladder cancer, for instance, at a rate three times greater than negro men. Just one instance of many.

Negro men the MAIN reason they get more prostate cancer than others is because they refuse the digital rectal exam. They believe if they have the procedure that they have been violated in a homosexual manner and are now lesser than a MAN because of it. And no negro MAN would ever want to think himself lesser of a MAN.

Anonymous said...

"Social constructs can be helpful in that they allow us to communicate and understand complex concepts. They can also be harmful if they perpetuate negative stereotypes or ideas."

GRA:A fancy way of saying (in many areas)a myth,successful propaganda or lie accepted as truth.
Social constructing is taking place on msm daily--nnn particularly.The NYTimes and their ilk attempt it also--successfully in large measure--about blacks,illegals etc.They are the public relations department for those groups.If the TRUTH were told,we'd be building a hundred new prisons a day and deporting millions of Mex a year--not wrapped up in the stupid woke garbage we see permeate the country today.


Anonymous said...


(43% black)DADEVILLE, Ala. (WRBL) – At least four people were killed Saturday night in a shooting at a celebration(GRA:nig gun party) in Alabama, according to law enforcement.

Witnesses said the shooting occurred at a 16th birthday party at Mahogany Masterpiece Dance Studio in downtown Dadeville. Sgt. Jeremy Burkett of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency said shots were fired at 10:34 p.m.

Witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots and seeing people running and screaming from the building.
(GRA:You CAN'T tell me that the negroes who go to this party are SHOCKED that guns are present and will probably be used.Are they THAT dumb?Obviously,yes.)

The total number of people shot was initially reported as more than 20. The State Bureau of Investigations, which confirmed the deaths Sunday morning, did not give an updated number of people injured.

A spokesperson only said there were a “multitude of injuries” during a Sunday morning press conference, and described the investigation as a “long, complicated process.”

Pastor Ben Hayes, who serves as the chaplain for the Dadeville Police Department and for the local high school football team, said most of the victims are teenagers because the shooting occurred at a 16th birthday party.

“One of the young men that was killed was one of our star athletes and just a great guy(GRA:Uh huh). So I knew many of these students. Dadeville is a small town and this is going to affect everybody in this area,” Hayes said.

The injured were transported to local hospitals for medical attention Saturday night.

Details about the suspect(s) or motives have not yet been released by authorities.

GRA:The frosting on the cake tasted store bought,so they shot the place up.


Anonymous said...

Mother Nature is racist:She made blacks dumb,lazy,sociopathic and prone to prostate cancer.

THERE'S some disparity for you.


Anonymous said...

Some evidence indicates high testosterone is associated with an increased incidence of prostate cancer. Other evidence says this is either not so, or the data is inconclusive. Seems to be controversial.

But when compared to white males, black males do have somewhat higher T levels.

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