Sunday, April 16, 2023

Meet Deja Taylor, the womb donor of the racist black six-year-old who shot White teacher Abigail “Abby” Zwerner at the nation of islam public school, richneck elementary school in newport news, Virginia; prosecutors seek to issue Taylor and her demon spawn free crimes for the attempted murder of Zwerner, reckless endangerment, felony child neglect, etc.

War crime victim Abigail “Abby” Zwerner

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

“Virginia mom of 6-year-old who shot teacher surrenders to police
police said the 9 mm taurus pistol was legally purchased by the boy’s mother.”
By Emily Shapiro
April 13, 2023, 4:01 p.m.
abc news

“the mother of a 6-year-old boy who allegedly [sic] shot a teacher at his newport news, Virginia, elementary school turned herself in to police thursday.

“a grand jury returned two indictments charging Deja Taylor with felony child neglect and misdemeanor recklessly leaving a loaded firearm as to endanger a child, prosecutors said monday.”

GRA: About like I thought, just not as dark.


N.S.: Pierre Thomas, the abc news operative who read the story aloud, said “Tonight, the mother of the six-year-old boy accused of shooting his elementary school teacher being held accountable for the actions of her child.”

Not hardly. Criminal justice officials are presently working out a “plea deal” for Deja Taylor. That means no punishment, i.e., free attempted murder, free felony child neglect, etc. Meanwhile, as Thomas also reported, the parents of a White boy, Ethan Crumbley, who committed mass murder at his school are being tried for “involuntary manslaughter.”

The Crumbleys are guilty of the crime of being White. Thus, they may spend the rest of their lives in prison. Deja Taylor, by contrast, enjoys black racial privilege. Hence, she will spend no time in jail or prison.

By the way, is anyone reading this aware of Deja Taylor having publicly apologized for her son's war crime? I didn't think so.

the war criminal son of Deja Taylor

war criminal Deja Taylor


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just watched 6 commercials in a row in which 5 out of 6 featured negroes. The one exception was one that had an obese White woman as the main actor, except she was dancing with a black man. The last one was an auto dealership commercial that didn't even have people, at first, and I thought it was going to be one with no negroes at all (well, no people, but hey, at least it was one I didn't have to see any black faces) but at the end it showed a group of black customers walking up to the dealership. This is equity? No, it's discrimination in it's purest form...against Whites.

Anonymous said...

These commercials are basically created in anonymity.With movies or food items,we know who's behind the product.But commercials are almost subliminally aired--here and gone--followed by another and another.There are no credits,no director or writer listed.

I'd be 80% confident that the ad agency tells the company what the commie-ercial should be like--not the other way around:how many blacks,Whites,chinks and towelheads there should be and what they should act like.

I suppose calling up an insurance company,cable company or other business might get them to reveal their ad company's name--which would be a start to ending the flood of negroes on our television sets.

If I get a chance,I'll do that,but I've cut tv viewing down to barely an hour a day.

I couldn't take watching the blacks anymore.


jeigheff said...

Check out this article by Richard Houck from 2018. It identifies several ad agencies and individuals:

I pray that Abigail Zwerner is recovering as best as she can. She looks like a really sweet lady.

Maybe I've already mentioned this, but a former coworker and his wife tried their hand at fostering troubled kids for a time back in the 1990s. It wasn't easy. One of their young boys had been so badly sexually assaulted by his own father, he was too traumatized to handle. The boy, who was eight years old or so, was full of rage. He lashed out at everyone around him. Needless to say, the boy's future looked bleak. At least he never got his hands on a gun while he was in my coworker's care.

Having said that, it wouldn't be surprising to learn that Ms. Zwerner's six-year-old attempted murderer comes from a family that's far more twisted than most of us can imagine. Not that I'm making excuses for the kid and his unrepentant mom, mind you. Just an observation. Authorities must have far more info about this toxic family than is being made public.

Anonymous said...

Even with what's been lost over the years, or what remains unavailable, there are enough older movies and TV shows- as well as music- readily available to fill a person's lifetime. If you don't like what you're seeing, STOP WATCHING IT. Even laziness or force-of-habit must have a limit. I reached mine ages ago. -RM

Anonymous said...

"Deja Taylor, by contrast, enjoys black racial privilege. Hence, she will spend no time in jail or prison."

Probably so. If not out on bail she will get credit for time served even if found guilty. Or a plea bargain with lenient sentence. She too somehow will be seen as a victim.