Monday, April 03, 2023

exclusive: chinese diplomat emails organ harvest rant to nj rep. Chris Smith aide

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

The Chinese are as bad as any Nazis. They pretest people for transplant matches--and then harvest them when there is demand--that is the only way they can quickly supply organs for medical tourists. And they take organs and keep the victim alive if possible for future harvesting. One doctor refused to take the eyes of a living victim. And China is rapidly building their military--including nuclear weapons. But greedy American businesses still trade with them--just as American corporations traded with Nazi Germany.

Anonymous said...

" It’s something that Josef Mengele from the Nazi Party would love. It’s just — it’s outrageous.”

Mengele might have not even gone as far. Harvesting kidney from healthy persons in India quite common. The donor is told they will get $10,000 USD for one kidney. Then the surgeon stiffs them. Parents sometimes encourage their children to donate a kidney. That $10K can go a long way in India if they get it.