Monday, April 03, 2023

The reappearance of Tulare Lake

By An Old Friend
mon, apr 3, 2023 8:13 p.m.

The reappearance of Tulare Lake

I didn't know the situation was this serious
until I came across this article. 

Bigger problem: These rains enable people
to think that the population here can keep
growing and thus massive immigration 
can continue unabated.

The snow-topped mountains in Orange and
Los Angeles Counties are a sight to see right now

CORCORAN, Calif. — It is no secret to locals that the heart of California's Central Valley was once the largest body of fresh water west of the Mississippi River, dammed and drained into an empire of farms by the mid-20th century. Still, even longtime residents have been staggered this year by the brute swiftness with which Tulare Lake has resurfaced: In less than three weeks, a parched expanse of 30 square miles has been transformed by furious...


Anonymous said...

Nature does these things in extremes.You can't take a 1,2,5 or 10 year period of time and extrapolate any climate theories from it--probably longer."Climate change" advocates are human beings,with too much time on their hands, trying to cause panic(Why?They have too much time on their hands.).
I believe this goes for many items in the globalist playbook.


Anonymous said...

I actually thought this was an ACTRESS--like Veronica Lake--making a comeback.

Tulare Lake would be a great name for an actress.


Anonymous said...

That has always been the problem in CA. Dry area not really suited for a large population. Only the aqueduct of CA allows water to be transported long distances to where the major metropolitan areas are.

CA not supposed to have such major population centers.

Anonymous said...

I think it is more than "too much time on their hands." Scientists know that a crisis leads to funding. On the other hand, if they say there is no crisis, the others will destroy their careers. Just like saying ivermectin works to prevent or cure Covid, so saying there is no climate crisis is a career destroyer. As for California problems--either those in control are insane or they WANT to destroy their society--no new reservoirs in 40 years, but desalination is voted down. No new power plants but people are forced to build homes using electricity instead of natural gas and are being forced to convert to electric cars--when already they keep having electricity shortages. And yet population increases with both legal and illegal immigration. And they want you to eat bugs. The future doesn't have to be a disaster: build power plants (including nuclear), build more reservoirs, build desalination plants, build plants converting coal to liquid fuel--and stop immigration. A prosperous future is possible--if only the voters were intelligent (and sane).

Anonymous said...

Destroying your society or your race IS insane.I don't get it one iota.Mass insanity all of a sudden?I have no explanation.


Anonymous said...

They can create cat fish farms?