Sunday, April 02, 2023

#boycottbudweiser trends after bud light celebrates transgender pervert Dylan Mulvaney's '365 days of girlhood' (video)

sun, apr 2, 2023 10:26 p.m.

#boycottbudweiser trends after bud light celebrates transgender pervert Dylan Mulvaney's '365 days of girlhood' (video)

Don't laugh.

My new employer celebrated "international transgender day of visibility" last friday, march 31.

You know my employer by the cute little green lizard that is the focus of its commercials.

Why now?

Why so many fortune 500 companies?

Because the globalists are trying to cement the cultural revolution, the one against the family.

And the violent, deranged "trannies" are the perfect weaponized tribe to be used for the final assault against the Old Order.


Anonymous said...

I don't get the point of any of this "push by globalists".They're supposed to be billionaire geniuses,how do they figure any of this improves society?It doesn't .How does any of this improve THEIR existences?It doesn't.

As Seinfeld impersonators might say,"Who arrrre these globalists?"

Anonymous said...

If you are going to drink light beer, drink Coors Light, which actually tastes good.

Anonymous said...

Bud is not so wiser then as a company I mean. That is an old joke I know but so profound with the modern context.

Anonymous said...

Trans-genders comprise what must be a very small segment of the population. And Bud is appealing to them. American beer by and large is bland. Brewed for the lowest common denominator drinker.

Anonymous said...

Guess they should change the name from "Bud Lite" to "Bud light in the loafers." Fortunately I don't drink the stuff.

Anonymous said...

"Hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts." - Al Sharpton.

Al is right. That is how to do it.