Wednesday, January 11, 2023

texas biologist imported skulls, skeletons of otters and birds; now, he’s headed to prison

By A Texas Reader
wed, jan 11, 2023 5:44 p.m.

texas biologist imported skulls, skeletons of otters and birds. Now, he’s headed to prison

What about importing aztec skulls from may-hee-koh?


Anonymous said...

Sung to "Trains and Boats and Planes"(my most farfetched song--but this is a farfetched story.)

Skulls of birds and cranes,
Were sent my way,
They came from places I cannot say.
I shipped them in,
Right to my home,
The skulls of the birds and cranes,
Got me picked up,
And sent away.

I could not control,
The urge I had,
To buy these tiny,skeletal things.
I wanted more,
But not the wings,
The skulls of the birds and cranes,
Were good enough,
Enough for me.

They were from a different part of the world.
I know I shouldn't have purchased them.
My hobby's easy to condemn.
I'm waiting for one more it's true,
My hummingbirds,
Oh where are you?

Skulls of birds and cranes,
Were sent my way.
They came from places I cannot say.
But things have changed,
I'm not at home.
The skulls of the birds and cranes,
Put me away,
A six month stay.



Anonymous said...

Warning: don't violate the smallest law unless you are BLACK!. If black, then anything goes, no charges--such as shooting an unarmed WHITE woman doing nonviolent protesting.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Is anybody else having disquieting thoughts about the case against Bryan Khoberger? As the evidence comes out one has to wonder: Could this guy really be so clueless? He didn't just leave a trail of evidence, he erected a giant neon blinking sign saying "I DID IT! CATCH ME!"

Whatever Khoberger is, he isn't stupid and I find if incomprehensible that he didn't realize his movement wouldn't be tracked via cell phone and his car via omnipresent surveillance cameras. Investigators claim he turned his phone off when he committed the actual crime while forgetting his pattern of movements planning for the crime would have already been tracked, which seems almost childish in it's simplistic thinking. Then he commits the classic "left a piece of evidence behind" mistake by losing a snap on a knife sheath that had a bit of his dna on it (reminds me of the planted bra strap dna evidence in the Amanda Knox case). This was a PhD student making childish mistakes even some knuckle dragging negro killers would be too crafty to make. Yes, I know there are those that would argue: Well, he secretly wanted to be caught for the fame" or "His desire to kill overwhelmed his common sense"... maybe, you could argue anything but for somebody actually studying criminology to make mistakes that crime shows warn potential criminals about every day on TV seems beyond absurd.

But Khoberger certainly matches the great White killer stereotype the media feeds us daily. Doesn't matter how many black or mex commit equally heinous or even worse mass murders, Khoberger will be the face of mass killing for the 2020's. High IQ, socially inept and even resembling Ted Bundy in looks and academic achievements, he's perfect as a cultural stereotype.

Whatever attention the most prolific serial killer ever, black man Samuel Little, has gotten will be washed away with all the attention that will be slathered onto Khoberger.

Are there covert operatives in this world evil enough to stage a psyop of this nature to steer attention away from the wave of black mass killers we are plagued with? Well, they haven't hesitated to kill in the past and I think globalist ideologues are capable of anything that would advance their agenda so why would they not? Some around here may not like hearing a "conspiracy theory" but I can't help but be suspicious about this so I'm throwing it out there.