Sunday, January 01, 2023

"here's what the deadliest drug-related public health crisis in American history looks like"

By R.C.
sat, dec 31, 2022 9:30 p.m.

"here's what the deadliest drug-related public health crisis in American history looks like"

The Great Reset is going as planned.


Anonymous said...

If you can't see what drugs--even weed--can do to you--and you still partake--you might be an idiot.


Anonymous said...

Drug Related health crisis in this country USA has been going on for six decades now

Anonymous said...

It's the mentality that drugs are a panacea,is the problem--with severe consequences for the short amount of pleasure you MIGHT receive.It's delusional to think these consequences won't happen to you--as many of your friends drop dead--isn't it?Just reading about the nationwide overdose fatalities should prevent ANYONE from trying this crap once.You don't put your hand into a flame because you KNOW what will happen--though you haven't actually attempted it before.

What's so different about heroin,crack,meth and fentanyl?Not a damn thing.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that illegal drugs are the deadliest public health crisis. From what I have read, deaths for the fake vax far exceed those from "recreational" drugs. And we haven't seen the long-term results--wait until all the cancer and other diseases caused by vax immune system damage show up. Fauci and the drug companies, doctors, and hospital administrators have blood on their hands and need to be prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Bryan Kohberger's family stands by him:
It's early, I'm sure they hope he is somehow innocent but if they did find his dna at the scene, it's pretty damning. However, as we know from the CP5 case, dna can give us more detail but still not tell us exactly what happened. In the case of the CP5 people with a powerful need to virtue signal and jump on the "falsely accused black man myth" took a black and white view of the dna evidence to claim it "proved" they were innocent, which as we know, is absurdly untrue. Dna is not infallible, tests can be wrong but in a case that has national attention, I have to believe they've double checked those results. Interesting the article says he has a public defender. Don't high profile cases like this get private attorneys stepping in and offering their services? It's like publicity for them so they do it pro bono because it gets their names, and the names of their firms in the papers and leads to big money cases. I don't really know how it works, maybe a PD is just a formality and somebody will be stepping in and taking over.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A 22 yr. old woman has been slashed to death by a negro in Upper Sandusky, Ohio on New Years Day:
Poor girl was working in a Dollar Store and this POS walked in and attacked her with a machete. First article I saw didn't release the identities of perp and vic and for a moment thought I shouldn't assume it's a negro perp because that might be wrong....Naaaah, I made the assumption and it turned out to be true. Helps when the odds are about 90%.
The young lady murdered by the sack of garbage is named Keris L. Riebel but I couldn't find a picture of her with a google search. Name of perp is Bethele M. Bekele. I looked up Bekele and it is an african name, Bethele is a Hebrew name.