Monday, January 02, 2023

Bryan Kohberger's family stands by him

By Jerry PDX
Monday, January 2, 2023 at 4:24:00 PM EST

Bryan Kohberger's family stands by him:

It's early, I'm sure they hope he is somehow innocent but if they did find his dna at the scene, it's pretty damning. However, as we know from the cp5 case, dna can give us more detail but still not tell us exactly what happened. In the case of the cp5, people with a powerful need to virtue signal and jump on the "falsely accused black man myth" took a black-and-white view of the dna evidence to claim it "proved" they were innocent, which as we know, is absurdly untrue. DNA is not infallible. Tests can be wrong, but in a case that has national attention, I have to believe they've double-checked those results.

Interestingly, the article says he has a public defender. Don't high profile cases like this get private attorneys stepping in and offering their services? It's like publicity for them so they do it pro bono because it gets their names, and the names of their firms in the papers and leads to big money cases. I don't really know how it works, maybe a pd is just a formality and somebody will be stepping in and taking over.

N.S.: There's no good publicity to be had from defending a White man accused ot committing atrocities.


Anonymous said...

DNA is only inadmissible in black trials."black law" doesn't believe in anything that will convict a negro.

Whites?EVERYTHING is admissible--whether true or not.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
You may be right Nicholas, I hadn't thought about that, times have changed, maybe at one time lawyers looked for high profile cases of White criminals but nowadays in this new Woke environment, they just want black criminals to defend and are afraid to take on White ones.

Anonymous said...

DNA evidence is infallible except when it comes to the time of O.J. Simpson then we have to stop and think about things for a while at the OJ trial they are good for two months whether or not it was O’Jays blood knowing full well that it was his blood