Thursday, June 03, 2021

Important Blog Devoted Exclusively to Covid

By Nicholas Stix

Many of you may already be familiar with it, but it’s new to me.

The Covid Blog:

“Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great site--lots of information about your favorite Wuhan Virus and the latest "coincidences." I suppose if Fauci pulled out a gun and shot someone with a bullet and that person died a few weeks later he would be charged with murder. But if he is responsible for people getting shot with an experimental biological agent that kills them a few weeks later, why that is merely a coincidence. The vaccinistas claim that these deaths are normal because people die everyday. However, many of of those shot are so young that their deaths are anything but normal and the fact that the deaths are clustered close to the time they were shot is also not normal. The means of death--clots, strokes, heart attacks are exactly how many die from the spike proteins of the Wuhan Virus. Only in this case the spike proteins are from the experimental biological agent termed a "vaccine." I am hoping to see Fauci prosecuted someday--and all the colleges, businesses, hospitals, etc. that require people to get the shot sued into oblivion.