Saturday, June 26, 2021

Reflecting on Our New National Holiday, White Slave Day, aka Juneteenth

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 3:19:00 A.M. EDT

Now a public service announcement.

Whazzup, all you crackas, my name is Mirderous Jackson Jones Thomas. I seen a few of y’all out today, trying to mingle with us black folk on Juneteenth Day. We might have even smiled at youse, as we checked you out, walking in our territory. But I got one piece of advice for y’all--if you want to stay alive in da future--don’t try that sheeet no more.

I’m telling you some straight dope right now: we want to mess you up--for no reason at all--cuz we’s craaaazy. We want yo’ car, yo’ woman, and yo money--and we don’t care whats we have to do to get it.

As I read on that damn NSU site,”2% of the population commits 72% of the crime.” Dat means, ifs you sees a nigro, the odds are.., you gonna be assaulted, raped, robbed or keeled by someone who looks just like me.

The more often you sees one of us, the more likely your luck has done run out. It could be in a store or park or down your street at the wrong time. I might be in a bad motha----ing mood--who knows? So all I got to say is, best to avoid us damn nigros, if possible.

Happy Juneteenth, y'all. (This message is from the Association for the Prevention of Crime to White People). --GRA


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