Thursday, June 10, 2021

A Pregnant Woman was Stabbed by a Raceless Stranger While Walking with Her Toddler in a Suburb of Atlanta

By R.C.
Thu, Jun 10, 2021 11:50 a.m.

A Pregnant Woman was Stabbed by a Stranger While Walking with Her Toddler on Saturday in a Suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, According to Reports.



Anonymous said...

"Brookhaven Police are seeking a black male between the ages of 20 and 30 years old in connection with the attack, which left the woman seriously injured, police say.

"The victim underwent multiple surgeries, including an emergency C-section to save the life of her baby, who was born approximately four months prematurely.

“Mama and her son (age 3) were excited to go on a walk on their first day of summer break at the Peachtree Creek Greenway. Mama is a teacher, 5 months pregnant, and was looking forward to a fun summer preparing for the new baby.

“They were approached by a young, male stranger and tried to go around him minding their own business. It was at this moment the man pulled a knife out and stabbed mama in the back many times in front of her son. From there she was rushed to the ER at the hospital and had to have an emergency c section AND an invasive surgery on her organs to repair their functioning.”

GRA:Should be a death penalty imposed for ATTEMPTED murder in this kind of case.


Anonymous said...

Seriously aggravated crime. Pregnant woman and with small child in two. Calls for nine times the normal amount of punishment.