Thursday, June 17, 2021

94-year-old Asian woman stabbed by man recently released from jail

By R.C.
Thu, Jun 17, 2021 9:50 p.m.

94-year-old Asian woman stabbed by man recently released from jail, California cops say


Anonymous said...

"Stabbed several times"--at age 94--and "is expected to survive".


Can't tell if he's a black or Mex.Why don't news outlets show decent pics of the perp anymore--he asked whimsically.


Anonymous said...

Once bad, the con always bad. Just waiting for the opportunity. Little old Oriental woman an easy target. The African jungle beast at work.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Yeah, always the same, media shows grainy ambiguous photo instead of getting the mugshot. The man's name is Daniel Cauich and has had multiple previous arrests, there are mugshots on record and a brand new one with this arrest, it's all public information but the media doesn't use it. You know, the media doesn't want to reinforce "stereotypes"...But if it's just a stereotype the 13% is responsible for most of this kind of crime then why not show clear photos to prove it isn't true?