By Nicholas Stix
Like It or Not, Golden Dawn Fighting Genocide in Greece
By Nicholas Stix
Some murder victims are more equal than others. In a worrying precedent for Americans, the Greek government is persecuting the anti-immigration Golden Dawn party, while tolerating its violent enemies. Under the guise of exterminating “Nazism,” the government is exterminating the Greek people—just as the larger European Union officially pursues what can only be called the genocide of the historic European population. But there are signs it’s not working.
Last year, we were told by the Main Stream Media that the Greek Golden Dawn Party was running wild, beating immigrants, and receiving the assistance of the police. [“Rise of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party leads to spate of immigrant attacks in Greece,” by Alex Spillius, Daily Telegraph, 26 July 2012.] But Golden Dawn became Greece’s third-strongest party, with 18 MPs in the 300-strong Greek parliament after the June 2012 Election. [“Greek Golden Dawn member arrested over murder of leftwing hip-hop artist,” by Helena Smith,, September 18, 2013.] Reaction was not long in coming.
Last year, triple jumper Voula Papachristou was kicked off the Greek Olympic team as retaliation for poking fun at African immigrants and making statements supporting Golden Dawn. [“Olympics 2012: Greece kicks triple-jumper Voula Papachristou off team for mocking African immigrants on Twitter,” by David Sanchirico, New York Daily News, July 25, 2012.]
Voula Papachristou
This past September, 34 year old “anti-fascist rapper” Pavlos Fissas, also known as “Killah P,” was killed—an ironic fate for an “artist” who routinely fantasized about murdering his political opponents. Golden Dawn supporter—not member—Giorgos Roupakias, 45, reportedly confessed to the crime.
“Killah P”
In a totalitarian crackdown, the Greek government declared the entire Golden Dawn party a criminal organization, and arrested over two dozen of its leaders and members, including party leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos. Michaloliakos remains in jail until his trial.
The U.S. equivalent would be arresting the entire Democratic Party leadership because a Democratic “supporter” murdered a Republican.
Golden Dawn’s poll numbers reportedly dropped from 10.8 to 6.6 percent, following the Fissas murder. [“Greece’s Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party Branded a Criminal Organization,” by Athanasios Tsiouras, Atlas Network, November 19, 2013.]
Contrast this with the official reaction when, on November 1, Golden Dawn members Emmanuel Kapelonis, 22, and Giorgos Foundoulis, 27, were murdered in a drive-by shooting in an Athens suburb. The communist group “Militant People's Revolutionary Forces” took credit for the double murder, bragging that it was in retaliation for the Fyssas murder. But there have been no arrests.
While U.S. MSM has constantly cited Fyssas by name, all appear to have refused to name the Golden Dawn murder victims. I had to find their names via an Australian outlet. [“Greek group claims Golden Dawn killings,” , SBS, 17 Nov 2013.] Note that, while the U.S. MSM routinely refers to Golden Dawn as “neo-Nazi,” it never seems to refer to its enemies as “communists.” [“Two Members of Greek Neo-Nazi Party Killed in Drive-by Shooting,” Voice of America, November 1, 2013.]
But in response, the party’s poll numbers received a shot in the arm, back up to 8.8 percent. [“Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party gains support after members killed,” Reuters/Haaretz, November 16, 2013.] Not surprisingly, this is leading to more MSM kvetching about “fascism.”
While conservative historians like Paul Gottfried will carefully describe the differences between “fascists,” “Nazis,” or different varieties of “conservatives,” Communists regard them as all the same and have been calling them names for 80 years.
Today’s Reds have a richer vocabulary: “racist,” “white nationalist,” “white supremacist,” “xenophobe,” “homophobe,” etc. However, they all mean the same thing.
To communists, there are only two sorts of people on the planet: communists and “fascists.” And every “fascist” is a genocidal racist, who seeks to bring about another Holocaust.
This context has to be kept in mind when reading about Golden Dawn. I have not seen any citation of genocidal Golden Dawn literature or statements, private or public, even by its enemies.
Moreover, Greece has an extremely violent recent political history. The grandfathers of today’s activists were killing each other in a civil war less than seven decades ago: Some 158,000 people reportedly died.
However, one thing I do not doubt about the party: It does seek to run all aliens out of the country.
Let’s not beat around the bush. Golden Dawn are a brutal lot. But it is a party in a revolutionary situation, confronted with mass non-white, Third World immigration into the West.
In Greece, an incredible two million immigrants, most of them recently-arrived, illegal, non-white and Muslim, are leeching off and dispossessing the mere 10.8 million white, 98 percent Orthodox Christian, Greeks. [The CIA World Factbook, last checked on November 22, 2013.]
Greece is one of the main entry points for illegal immigration from Africa and Asia, most of it from across the Turkish frontier. Back in 2010, up to 350 immigrants were crossing the border every day, accounting for about 90 per cent of all illegal immigrants coming into Europe. [“Uncontrolled immigration is fuelling Greece’s violent street politics. The EU needs to sit up and take notice,” by Colin Freeman, Telegraph, last updated: September 30th, 2013.]
Some Greek businessmen support the invaders, based on the usual short-sighted Slave Power-type greed. But the most powerful force behind the invasion is the European Union. The EU is actively pushing policies that will result ingenocide against all indigenous, European peoples.
The Free Dictionary defines “genocide” as
The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.[“Genocide,” The Free Dictionary, last checked on November 22, 2013.]
So Genocide doesn’t have to involve death camps. It can proceed, as it is already does in the Anglosphere and Europe, by non-violent coercion. Whites are pauperized through confiscatory taxation so they cannot afford to have children of their own, while they involuntarily pay for the invaders’ children and relentless anti-white propaganda.
However, as whites’ numbers decline, the process will end in outright violence, as is occurring in South Africa right now.
Golden Dawn is simply resisting this genocidal process, and filling a political vacuum.
Two Greek academic “experts,” Daphne Halikiopoulou and Sofia Vasilopoulou, have written that Golden Dawn arose because of the failure of the rule of law and rising unemployment.
That’s true, but not in the way the authors meant. If the Greek government had upheld the rule of law and deported illegals, Golden Dawn would not have been necessary.
The academics also refused to consider that Golden Dawn has a legitimate grievance. Instead, they justify government repression and hypocritically support “anti-racist and anti-fascist civil society organizations and activities.”
Needless to say, these “civil society organizations” don’t serve as a buffer between citizens and government, but are simply leftist attack dogs against patriotic Greeks [“The rise of the Golden Dawn and extremism in Greece can be seen as part of a broader phenomenon of a culture of intolerance, which is maintained and perpetuated through the Greek education system,” by Daphne Halikiopoulou and Sofia Vasilopoulou, London School of Economics Blog, January 29, 2013.]
Greece matters because this same pattern is playing out across the Western world. In 2010, German Social Democrat economist Thilo Sarrazin wrote the runaway bestseller Germany Abolishes Itself. Sarrazin showed that non-white (predominantly Turkish) immigration was systematically destroying Germany. In response, every tenured Marxist hack from Jürgen Habermas on down set in motion a defamation campaign, alleging Sarrazin was a Nazi.
Peter Brimelow coined the phrase “Hitler’s revenge”in his 1995 book, Alien Nation, to describe how Western nations, repulsed by Nazism, have reacted by abolishing their own identities, so in the end, Hitler is actually achieving his goal of destroying his enemies.
When government refuses to perform its core functions such as protecting the borders and enforcing the laws, the nation has a choice. Citizens can either step in to do the job, or the nation will perish.
Golden Dawn is resisting Hitler’s revenge. It’s resisting the extermination of the Greek people.
And if they want to survive, other Western nations will, one way or another, have to make the same choice – no matter what names they are called.