Sunday, May 16, 2021

Watch How Deaths Spike after Vaccination--Watch, before It's Censored

By Jesse Mossman, Our Man in Seattle
Sun, May 16, 2021 11:09 a.m.

Watch How Deaths Spike after Vaccination--Watch, before It's Censored

Everyone needs to watch this YouTube showing how spikes in deaths occur in each country after their "vaccination" program started. Still think the "vaccination" is safe? Watch it now, before it is censored.

There are several possible explanations why deaths spike where "vaccination" programs are started. Who knows which explanation is correct? But from the beginning, people have noticed the cases increased after vaccination. No, the experimental "vaccine" does not contain the virus--but it does instruct your body to create the spike protein which is one of the harmful features of the virus. We cannot expect to get the truth from Fauci, the NIH, CDC, the medical establishment, drug companies, or the mainstream marxist media. But the truth is out there, and we must demand to know what is REALLY happening.



Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that tens of millions are rushing out to get the vaccine.They're probably already putting their reservations in for the booster shot too.It isn't a matter of fear with me,it's total mistrust and lack of confidence in anything slapped together under the auspices of the government.

Government,thy name is SNAFU

Anonymous said...

I think it was Ronald Reagan who said that the scariest words were, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." The essence of fascism isn't thugs marching together in big black boots, it is government and business in bed together. We read that the NIH, headed by Fauci, shares "vaccine" patent ownership with Moderna. The foxes are guarding the hen house. And Fauci the Weasel is one rich S.O.B.--recently somebody gave him an award of a million dollars--is this a reward for blocking cheap drugs, killing hundreds of thousands, and making billions for Big Pharma? And look at medical associations, hospitals, and drug stores--going along with the government and making it almost impossible for patients to get the cheap and effective drugs. The emergency authorization for these unproven "vaccines" could not be given if there were existing treatments--so the existing treatments must be denied so Big Pharma could make billions. Allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily is one of the biggest crimes in American history--along with the stealing of the 2020 election to install fascism. And so far, the criminals are getting away with both crimes. I guess some criminals are too big to fail.

Anonymous said...

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Across the board 100 % true. Watch out when the government knocks.