Mon, May 17, 2021 1:36 p.m.
Not National News: White female Veteran Assaulted by blacks in Louisville
(Breitbart)Critics of the National Football League claim that black players are unfairly excluded in receiving payouts from the $1 billion brain injury settlement fund because the league has weighted the scoring system it uses to determine who gets how much of the settlement.
The league is being accused of “race-norming” its scoring system because it requires black players to score lower for cognitive skills than white players. Critics say this is racism and is also an example of the league trying to get out of having to pay more money to those black players who should otherwise qualify, according to Newsweek and the Associated Press.
The accusation has been made by former Redskins running back Ken Jenkins, 61, who delivered 50,000 petitions to the billion-dollar fund’s administrator, senior U.S. District Judge Anita B. Brody. Jenkins calls for the league to drop its two-tiered system and use the same ratings for all players.
At issue is the NFL’s claim that blacks have lower cognitive skills naturally, even before any concussions affect their mental acuity. With this assumption, blacks would have to exhibit even lower cognition at the outset than whites after suffering concussions.
“The NFL’s dementia testing evaluates a person’s function in two dozen skills that fall under five sections: complex attention/processing speed; executive functioning; language; learning and memory; and visual perception. A player must show a marked decline in at least two of them to get an award,” the AP wrote.
GRA:In otherwords,you can't measure blacks the same as Whites in dementia tests--because they are already "naturally demented."
My laugh of the day,though this will not be allowed to stand.
Of course just a random act. Cannot have been anything else. And race can not possibly have been a factor.
Of course the media wants you to believe that.
Beaten and kicked severely. Subject to racial insults too.
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