Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It's "Hate Speech" to Say Men Can't Get Pregnant

By "W"
Tue, May 18, 2021 3:21 p.m.

Hate Speech to Say Men Can't Get Pregnant


Note the comment by Von Hayek, who suggests why trans-weirdos become suicidal within a couple of years of hormone "treatment."

I suppose it is another way to help cull the herd.



Anonymous said...

I'm "expecting"--expecting the sh*t to hit the fan fairly soon(within 4 years).


Anonymous said...

That whole subject of suicidal tendencies among sexual deviants has been debated for a long time. I know the deviants like to go out with a splash literally in some cases [jump off the Golden Gate bridge]. But how much more pervasive than the rest of society is suicide among deviants I am not sure.

Anonymous said...


Tuesday night's nig list on the late night talk shows.

Colbert:Morgan Freeman
Fallon:Chris Rock
Kimmell:Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade

Very few Whites are on these shows anymore(smh).I'm not sure if it's intentional or they're being Whitelisted.At least I recognize all their names for a change.Most times the guests who are listed on the TV guide channel,will be nigs like Li'l Jackoff,Snoopy Dick,Biggie Lips--and I've never heard of them.

I never watch a second of it anymore.
YouTube clips of Rickles or Steve Martin for me on pre 2014 talk shows.


Anonymous said...

I meant to say,I wonder if Whites are Whitelisting themselves and just not going on these shows anymore--or if the networks have done all the Whitelisting.