Sunday, May 16, 2021

In White and black: Hiding SAT Scores

[Re: “University of California, RIP: The Academically Most Rigorous University System in the Country Will Now Go Open Admissions.”]

In White and black: Hiding SAT Scores
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 11:51:00 A.M. EDT

I’ve mentioned it before here, my local paper—the Grand Rapids Pressto—as a tradition for decades, would print the SAT scores in the spring for every school district in West Michigan. It was broken down into individual schools within each district.

It became a source of hilarity to me when I would compare the black dominated schools’ results to the White ones (many of them outside of Grand Rapids, in little farm-like communities).

If I remember correctly, there were two parts to the SAT, math and reading/writing—and the blacks’ test scores of the two were so far below Whites’ test scores, that anyone looking for evidence of White superiority over blacks was given page after page of it.

Sample comparison:

Grand Rapids Ottawa Hills (ghetto school) 650
East Grand Rapids (White school) 1450
Creston (ghetto school) 710
Zeeland High School (small suburban city) 1480

Then there were the alternative schools for blacks who needed “special help” to learn how to sign their names (getting tougher and tougher, as they came up with 12-letter monikers (e.g., Lackadasious) or more—their scores were often below 500!

Some years ago (7 or 8?), the Press stopped printing these results.

I do recall one “experiment” that took place in the last couple years of SAT results being printed, was the idea by certain black “experts” in schooling, that the reason for huge and consistent disparity in SAT scores between Whites and blacks, were the schools and the teachers themselves.

In this experiment—and I remember it well—black students were transferred to a high-test-score White school—and the White students took the place of the blacks at their school. This scenario would show that the only thing holding blacks back from high SATs—was the environment of bad schools and lousy teachers. Instead, the result of the study showed a huge decline in SATs at the White school—because of the black factor being mixed in. I do not remember offhand the effect of Whites studying at the black school. The experiment was deemed a failure and discontinued.

I guess Obama put an end to such information that indicated how consistently poor blacks were in school, but I miss reading those particular statistics every year about this time. They were eye-opening.


N.S.: The John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” also put an end to the feds publishing black-on-White rape statistics.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"blacks who needed 'special help' to learn how to sign their names"

Given the stupid names they give their kids it is no wonder this is so. Racial educational gap NEVER going to be closed in this country. NEVER.