Friday, March 26, 2021

Jay Leno’s White Man Card Has been Revoked; He has Just Ensured that He Will Go Down in History Not as One of Late Night TV’s Legendary Funny Men, but Instead as a “White Supremacist” and as a White Uncle Tom!

By Jerry PDX
Friday, March 26, 2021 at 2:53:00 P.M. EDT

Leno is the latest white celeb to crawl on his hands and knees, and beg for forgiveness from the Woke lynch mob:

Leno “knew it was wrong in his heart” to make jokes about Koreans eating dogs... but did it anyway! Well, they do eat dogs, so what’s the problem? Apparently, it is a problem. Leno has sinned, and is begging for forgiveness, proving he’s just another whimpering, simpering, servile White coward.

This actually reminds me of another “anti-Asian” joke that didn’t go over well, though with an essential difference. Some years ago, Jason Whitlock, a black sportswriter, tweeted a joke about Jeremy Lin after he had scored over 30 points in an NBA game: Whitlock tweeted: “Some lucky lady is going to enjoy Jeremy’s whole 3 inches tonight”

There was some initial backlash about his joke, so Whitlock apologized, sort of... He actually defended himself by saying he’s always wanted to be a stand-up comedian and it was just a stand-up kind of joke, so not so bad. The PC mob apparently bought it because they put their pitchforks and torches away, and the whole thing quickly blew over. Whitlock was never sacked from his sportswriting gig, or suffered anywhere near the backlash a White sportswriter would have received. A writer named Trevor Medeiros actually addressed the double standard in this Bleacher Report article:

N.S.: Leno should have simply responded, “If you don’t like it, go to hell!”



Anonymous said...

Did Leno do Sum Ting Wong?
Rickles is just shaking his head going,"As soon as I left,everyone lost their sense of humor.Japs--I was in the jungle,hunting your uncle,"he said to a group of Jap tourists on the Jerry Lewis Telethon,back when Jerry had ballooned to over 300 lbs from the side effects of medicine for a lung problem.
"Jerry,you look like a Jew whale"--to which Lewis laughed about as hard as he could possibly do so.
Leno USED to be fast and funny--he'd rip into a lot of things going on when he started on Letterman's morning show(1980?)

Just pathetic now.You have to hand it to Rickles--he stayed with his style til the end--and I think people gave him a pass because of his age,but when he died,the gates were closed on "offensive humor"--and humor MUST be offensive to some degree to be funny.

Well they didn't TOTALLY close the gates on offensive humor,they just saved it all for Trump.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why someone like Leno submits. He is retired so he can't be fired. He has his stash (ever see his programs on his extensive, expensive car collection?) and it can't be cancelled and taken away. What did he have to lose by standing strong--maybe leftist trash wouldn't invite him to their drug and sex parties?