Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Groot's Racist Ruse, aka Chicago’s Monumental Mistake

By An Old Friend
Tue, Mar 16, 2021 6:20 p.m.

"Chicago's Monumental Mistake" [brief]

I'll precede the City Journal article below with a relevant quote from Thomas Sowell:

How can a generation be expected to fight for the survival of a culture or a civilization that has been trashed in its own institutions, taught to tolerate even the intolerance of other cultures brought into its own midst, and conditioned to regard any instinct to fight for its own survival as being a "cowboy"?


Anonymous said...

The easy solution is...let everyone have their statues.This however,is not about statues,it's about exerting and SHOWING one group has control of the the opposing group(average Whites).


Anonymous said...

The problem isn't the response to multi-racialism and multiculturalism the problem is multi-racialism/culturalism itself. Conservatives pretending they can spin the destructive effects of turning over your territory to hostile foreigners is what got us to this sorry state in the first place. CivNat was a non-starter and even the most superficial glance at history should have told them so.