[Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“About Three Little-Known Nation of Islam Killings in Oakland, Where Murder was a Laughing Matter.”]
Update on April 10, 2016, 3:44 p.m., by David in TN
On page 148 of Killing the Messenger, Thomas Peele writes that Russell Lang "was eventually paroled." He had served 25 years of a "life" sentence. Larry Pratt has also apparently been paroled, as he's not listed as an inmate.
According to Peele, both Lang and Pratt "eventually expressed deep remorse to parole commissioners, telling them the killings around the state were coordinated by Muslim elders."
[Out of “New Mecca,” i.e., Chicago. That corroborates what Clark Howard wrote in Zebra: The True Account of 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco.]
Pratt told the parole board: "It definitely was a racial crime. It was predicated on our racial beliefs, (Under) the Nation of Islam, whites were considered our enemies. As a matter of fact the word used was DEVIL. This was constantly taught at the time. We had books on it, little pamphlets. This is what I see now as part of the brainwashing effect."
Old Information Unearthed by a California Reader Recalls Three More Racist, Nation of Islam Murderers, and One Racist Co-Conspirator, Sacramento Division
By Nicholas Stix
December 26, 2009
Updated on December 27, 2009, at 4:19 a.m.
Due to a successful campaign by the MSM and academia to "disappear" the Nation of Islam's 1970s racist mass murder campaign against whites, most whites know nothing of it. And most of those who know something, recall only that some black "splinter" group murdered a few whites in San Francisco.
But this was not the work of a "splinter" group, the murders were not limited to San Francisco, and it wasn't a few whites in San Francisco. The mass murder campaign was orchestrated out of the NOI's headquarters in "New Mecca" (Chicago), was run through each city's local mosque, and 17 whites were murdered in the City by the Bay alone, 15 just during the period of October, 1973-April 1974. In his classic work, Zebra, Clark Howard estimated that the NOI murdered 270 whites in the state of California alone during the early 1970s. During the same period, the NOI also murdered whites in Oklahoma City and New York City, and an old San Francisco copper who worked the original Zebra detail told me that at the time he saw a secret FBI memo that reported that a parallel campaign was underway on the East Coast.
A California reader just made this a very Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa for me. Just before Christmas ended, he contacted me, asking if I might be interested in learning about some more “Zebra” (Nation of Islam) murderers. I answered in the affirmative, of course, and soon after the clock struck twelve, he sent me a gold mine of old newspaper clippings from 1974 (there are more to come) about NOI killings and shootings in Sacramento.
And really, what more fit and proper way is there to observe Kwanzaa, a fake holiday celebrating genocidal black supremacy, than by remembering victims (especially ones whom we had never previously commemorated) of the genocidal terror cult, the Nation of Islam?
The white victims were: Joseph F. Belmore, 25 (murdered); Raymond Silva, 53 (murdered); Gerry Bakarich (wounded); and Lloyd Revell, 44 (wounded).
The black assailants were (ages at the time of their crimes): Russell Lang, 19, Emery L. Hanson, 25, and Larry Pratt, 19. Dale McKinney, 23 or 24 at the time of the crimes, was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, and sentenced to life in prison, but not convicted of actually carrying out any of the murders.
Belmore was an unemployed veteran who had survived the War in Vietnam, only to be murdered by racist terrorists while sitting in his room in his parents’ house, sipping a drink.
Silva, a private detective, was ambushed in an alley behind his apartment and killed by a shotgun blast.
Bakarich, an off-duty policeman, was shotgunned.
Revell, 44, was also wounded by a shotgun volley.
My reader grew up with racist NOI murderer Larry Pratt in Vallejo, northeast of San Francisco, and southwest of Sacramento. He wrote,
Larry and his pals tried to kill two people before they ambushed Joe Belmore. Larry’s still in prison in Vacaville, CA….Note that two of the four white men the Sacramento NOI terrorists shotgunned were peace officers. That can’t have been a coincidence. (On April 14, 1972, a mob of NOI terrorist-followers of Louis Farrakhan committed the ambush murder of white NYPD Patrolman Phillip Cardillo, following a false “10-13”—“officer in need of assistance”—call, in Farrakhan’s Harlem mosque.)
I’ve spent time trying to understand how one man could make such incredibly poor decisions about his life and then right next to him [in their graduation picture from the Vallejo H.S. Black Student Union] a man becomes a minister. Of course I understand Larry still considers himself to be “a religious leader” in the Black Muslim church.
Larry was also partially responsible for a major race riot at Vallejo High School in Ca which I witnessed in 1973. Him and his friends used to march around the high school in little cadres with black berets, and then catch isolated white students in rest rooms, etc. and beat them up. They never got me, but a lot of people I knew were hurt.
Oh and Lang who’s mentioned below was paroled last year only to have it rescinded before release by Gov. Arnold S.
When reading the following articles, note the differences between the reporting of the day, and today’s reporting, and mid-1970s’ law enforcement and today, respectively. The reporters did not deliberately seek to hide the respective racial identities of victims and perpetrators, and law enforcement personnel did not routinely lie about racist black killers’ motive.
SACRAMENTO (UPI) Three Black Muslims were arrested Wednesday on murder charges for a shotgun slaying, and authorities said they were investigating other motiveless [!] shootings which may have been prompted by the San Francisco “Zebra” attacks.
Booked for the murder of Joseph F. Belmore, 25, a white, were Russell Lang, 19, Emery L. Hanson, 25, and Larry Pratt, 19, all members of the local Black Muslim [NS: NOI] sect, police said. Belmore, who lived with his parents, was shot early Wednesday and was the second shooting victim in Sacramento in the last week.
An off-duty policeman, Gerry Bakarich, was shotgunned and wounded Saturday night. The officer remains hospitalized.
On Tuesday morning, Raymond Silva, 53, a private detective, was ambushed in an alley behind his apartment and killed by a shotgun blast. On Monday, Lloyd Revell, 44, another white, was wounded by a shotgun volley.
Sheriff Duane Lowe said the shootings appeared to be indiscriminate attacks by blacks against whites. Following the arrest of the three suspects and their identification as members of the Black Muslims [NOI], authorities said, officers obtained a search warrant and raided the Muslim headquarters.
Friday, November 29, 1974 Page 7
Four face life terms
SACRAMENTO (API) — How does it feel to sit in court and hear yourself described as a dangerous terrorist who should be put in prison for life?
“At limes [sic] I felt I would have found myself guilty,” said Dale McKinney, 24.
McKinney, secretary of Sacramento’s Black Muslim [NS: NOI] temple, was one of four young Muslims sentenced to life imprisonment Wednesday.
His three co-defendants, Larry Pratt, 26, and Emery Hanson and Russell Lang, both 19, were convicted of first degree murder in the shooting death of a white man, Joseph Belmore, last April. Police said a sawed-off shotgun was found in their car shortly after the shooting.
McKinney, arrested in the Muslim temple five hours later, was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.
The first-degree murder charge against him was dropped after the jury deadlocked 11-1 for conviction.
Monday, November 11, 1974
SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Four Black Muslims have been convicted of conspiring to murder an unemployed Vietnam veteran as he sat in his living room.
Three of the four men were convicted of killing Joseph Belimore [sic; likely another scanning-induced error], 25, as he drank a cocktail in his house last April 24.
A six-man, six-woman jury returned the verdicts Saturday in Sacramento County Superior Court against Emery L. Hanson, 26, Russell Land, 18, and Larry Pratt, 19.
Dale E. McKinney, 24, was found guilty of conspiring to murder Belmore, but was acquitted of murder.
A conspiracy to commit murder conviction carries a life prison sentence. The death penalty is not applicable under the new capital punishment law.
McKinney was also found guilty of wounding off-duty detective Gerald Bakarich with a shotgun outside a grocery April 20.
All four men were found innocent of assaulting Lloyd O. Revel as he walked home from a bar the night of April 21.
During the trial, which began Aug. 12, prosecutors said the conspiracy was founded in the teachings of the Nation Islam (Black Muslims).
[NS: Emphasis by newspaper.]
Judge Michael J. Virga set produced [sic; error probably caused by scanning] a sentencing for Nov. 20.
Larry Pratt: Picture of a Genocidal Racist and Future Murderer
The reader-researcher who grew up with racist Zebra/Nation of Islam murderer Larry Pratt, sent along the following picture, while I was in Trinidad.
“Happy new year!
“Here is a picture, Vallejo, California Senior High School, Black Student Union, 1973.
“Note Larry Pratt, the zebra killer, [kneeling] in the lower right hand corner.”
[Not to be confused with Larry Pratt, of Gunowners of America!
Note that while several of the girls are smiling, only one boy smiles. All of the other boys had perfected the black racist scowl from central casting.
Sorry about the picture quality; the version sent me was grainy but relatively clear, but my "save image as" function does not result in a perfect copy.]

That one colored girl second row from the front far right is really cute for a negress.
All Black Mans are ministers of NOI. Even if they don't realized it.
Ron Unz has a lengthy piece at his and Steve Sailer's site in which he refers to the Zebra murders. His point is the lack of attention to them. Unz mentions an "obscure white racialist blogsite" without giving your name.
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