[See my American Renaissance exposé, “Wikipedia on Race.”]
By Nicholas Stix

Left: Clockwise from top left: Jason Befort, Heather Miller, Aaron Sandler, Bradley Heyka; right: Ann Walenta.

“The following passage is a Pretend Encyclopedia-related excerpt from “‘Forget Me Not’ Wichita Horror Update: Will Justice Ever be Meted Out to the Carr Brothers? Will Their Victims’ Fates be ‘Disappeared’?,” about the crimes of brothers Jonathan and Reginald Carr. The Carrs kidnapped and murdered Jason Befort, Heather Miller, Aaron Sandler, Bradley Heyka and Ann Walenta; shot a third woman, “H.G.,” and left her for dead; kidnapped, robbed, and pistolwhipped Andrew Schreiber; committed several rapes against their female victims; and forced several of their victims to have sex with each other. The Carrs have both been sentenced to death. All of their victims were white.
Black Profiling on this page
the first thing you see when you come to this page is two BLACK men. this is misleading because it makes people think that ALL blacks commit massacres. pleas fix the page with a better picture that doesnt make people thing black people commit massacres.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Kirkwood PD Sgt. William King Biggs Jr. (L) and Officer Thomas Frederick "Tom" Ballman.

Kirkwood City Councilmen Connie Karr and Michael H.T. Lynch.

Kirkwood Director of Public Works Kenneth Yost and Mayor Mike Swoboda.
The entry for the Kirkwood Massacre, in which black racist Charles “Cookie” Thornton shot seven whites, killing five instantly (one died seven months later, primarily from the effects of his wounds, though he also suffered from cancer), wounded another man, and tried to kill an eighth, has no photographs of the black murderer or his white victims. Instead, the entry has photographs of limited relevance of police cars and of firemen putting up purple memorial bunting. Thornton’s white murder victims were KPD Officer William Biggs KPD Officer Tom Ballman, Public Works Director Kenneth Yost, Councilman Michael H.T. Lynch, Councilwoman Connie Karr, and Mayor Mike Swoboda (who died seven months later). Thornton wounded reporter Todd Smith.

The entry also contains unfounded allegations constituting a conspiracy theory from a blog entry by a preacher that sought to rationalize Thornton’s carnage. Note that Wikipedia’s censors routinely denounce as unacceptable and delete quotations and citations from, and links to blog entries, when the blogs are by people whom they deem their political enemies.
Finally, the censors thoroughly mislead readers by listing “similar earlier case[s]” that are not at all similar, such as Dan White’s murders of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Councilman Harvey Milk, and the assassination of New York City Councilman James E. Davis (who, by the way, was black, and was murdered by a black man).
A perusal of the talk page will leave no doubt as to the racial character of the massacre, including myths spread all over the Internet at the time by a racist black defender of the killer.
I wrote about the Kirkwood Massacre at the time.
The entry for the racist massacre perpetrated at Hartford Distributors in Connecticut on August 3 by black shooter Omar Thornton not only contains no photographs, but does not so much as name any of the eight whites that Thornton murdered, or the man whom Thornton wounded. Much of the entry is given over to reciting the unfounded charges by the killer's family and girlfriend that he was a victim of racism, and the victims' relatives and friends rejection of that charge. Nowhere did the entry quote anyone arguing that the mass-murdering Thornton was the real racist.
Thornton murdered Victor James, William C. Ackerman, Bryan Cirigliano, Francis Fazio, Louis J. Felder, Edwin Kennison Jr., Craig Pepin, Douglas Scruton, and wounded Steve Hollander.
The entry for the Zebra Murders, the racist serial murder campaign, in which the Nation of Islam murdered anywhere from 70 to 270 whites in California alone during the early 1970s, likewise has no photographs, and leftist enforcers such as “Doug Weller” and “Ruy Lopez” have censored almost all of the information about the murders’ racial character.
Readers who want to learn about the Nation of Islam’s racist serial murder campaign (aka Zebra Murders) would do much better to read Clark Howard’s book, Zebra: The True Account of 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco (free download!), and my blog, The Zebra Project.
At present, the entry on the Knoxville Horror contains a picture of the white victims, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, but the censors controlling the entry have immediately removed all photographs of the since convicted, racist black perpetrators, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins, George Thomas, Vanessa Coleman, and their accessory after the fact, Eric Boyd. The censors have come up with such fantastic, fictional rationalizations for their refusal to permit any pictures of the assailants that they deserve an entry of their own.
My first exposé on the Knoxville Horror is available online here.
The only white crime victim I could find whose picture was shown, along with those of his killers was Matthew Shepard, but that was because Shepard was a homosexual, and his killers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, were white heterosexuals whom homosexual activists and their heterosexual allies had portrayed as having committed a “hate crime,” in order to get unconstitutional “hate crime legislation” passed at the state and federal levels.
Conversely, while the entry for Jesse Dirkhising, the 13-year-old heterosexual boy who was gang-raped and murdered by homosexuals David Carpenter and Joshua Brown contains a picture of the victim, there are no pictures of his homosexual killers.
In the entry for the Duke Rape Hoax, Wikipedia’s racist enforcers displayed photographs of the three falsely accused white victims for one year, but have always immediately censored the photograph of the black criminal false accuser, Crystal Gail Mangum.
To learn the real story of the Duke Rape Hoax, without having to plow through an entire book, I recommend my VDARE investigative report.
To get a more comprehensive view of censorship at Wikipedia, read my American Renaissance exposé, “Wikipedia on Race.”
1 comment:
"The only white crime victim I could find whose picture was shown, along with those of his killers was Matthew Shepard, but that was because Shepard was a homosexual, and his killers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, were white heterosexuals whom homosexual activists and their heterosexual allies had portrayed as having committed a “hate crime,” in order to get unconstitutional “hate crime legislation” passed at the state and federal levels."
They did: https://web.archive.org/web/20090514015646/http://www.glaad.org/matthewshepard2020
"Conversely, while the entry for Jesse Dirkhising, the 13-year-old heterosexual boy who was gang-raped and murdered by homosexuals David Carpenter and Joshua Brown contains a picture of the victim, there are no pictures of his homosexual killers."
Are you saying pedophila is the same as homosexuality?
Oh I see, you don't care about motive but identity politics! Hypocrite.
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