By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, march 5, 2025 at 5:12:00 p.m. est
“Nothing but cubans”? nbc announces Lesta Holt’s replacement is cuban, Tom Llamas
GRA: The negro broadcasting company is against Whites and Janelle Rodriguez, their executive vp in charge of programming, continued the trend by hiring a cuban.
“(nexstar) — nbc nightly noise will soon have its first anchor in roughly a decade after Lester Holt confirmed last month that he plans to step down this summer.
“Holt — who will continue to anchor nbc's “Dateline,” a position he has held since 2011 — succeeded former anchor Brian Williams, who left nbc noise amid controversy in 2015.
[GRA: No controversy here, or was it “disappeared”? Even O’Reilly said, ‘something must be up.’]
“on wednesday, nbc noise announced “journalist” [GRA: No such thing at nbc], Tom Llamas has been tapped as the next anchor and managing editor for its nightly news. Like Holt, Llamas will retain his secondary role as anchor of top story with Tom Llamas on nbc noise now each weeknight.”
[GRA: I’ll interpret, below, what these hispanic b.s.ers are actually saying.]
“Tom has the winning combination of journalistic excellence, passionate storytelling and unyielding integrity—all characteristics that have long been trademarks of nbc nightly noise, Janelle Rodriguez, nbc noise executive vice president of programming, said in a press release.
[GRA: “Tom has the winning combination of not being White, being anti-White, and hating Trump—all characteristics that have long been trademarks of nbc negro nightly noise.”]
“Llamas began his career with nbc noise, has filled in for Holt on nbc nightly noise, and has reported for today during his time with nbc.
He called his new role “a profound honor and one that carries tremendous responsibility.”
[GRA: “It’s about damn time a spic got picked over a spade.”]
“Lester Holt is a great man and one of the most trusted broadcasters of our time,” Llamas said wednesday.
[GRA: ‘Lesta is a great man(ipulator) of facts and one of the biggest fabricators of news of our time.’]
“Just like Lester, I promise to be devoted to our viewers and dedicated to the truth.”
[GRA: “Just like Lesta, I promise to be biased in favor of commies, minorities, and lgtbq freaks, while censoring and ignoring the truth.”]
“Llamas’ career began in miami where he served as an intern for telemundo 51 as a teenager, nbc’s press release read. he worked at multiple nbc affiliates, before rising to the top of the network.
“the miami native graduated from Loyola university in new orleans and completed a program focused on Raul Castro and cuban American voters at the university of miami’s institute for cuban and cuban american studies.
“Llamas, whose parents came to the U.S. as cuban refugees, now resides in new york with his wife, two daughters, and son.”
GRA: nbc is now a “bay of pigs,” along with being a ghetto.
N.S.: I posted a partial version of this item just before midnight, in order to beat the midnight cut-off on wednesday, but forgot to complete it. A few minutes ago, I checked on its number of views, and saw only ten. That’s a practical impossibility. google/blogger also claimed that it had been posted at 12 midnight, on thursday. I frequently try to beat the cut-off but fail, in which case I change the ms. to “draft” status, and post it the following day. That would mean it had been up for 32 hours, with virtually nobody reading it.
My google/blogger minder-Gauleiter has been frequently tampering with this blog, of late, a matter I’ll return to in another essay. (That’s why an item you sent me, “W,” is not up. I posted it, but the minder-Gauleiter killed it.)
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"now resides in new york with his wife, two daughters, and son.” - how did this ever get past HR? a traditional-looking family, wife appears to be a woman in the historical meaning of the word, children appear to be raised according to traditional gender norms, none of them wearing any gazasymp gear nor ukraine colors in the photo. [trigger warning for minder-Gauleiter] It looks like a photo you'd see in a Liberty University alumni mag.
Or is this his photo-op "family",like they used to do for queers in Hollywood in the 50s? I'm kidding--sort of.
¿Cómo te llamas, Llamas?
"It's better to look good than to feel good."
"Part two,it's better to fool them good than to be good at what you do."
--Tom Llamas' "father" Fernando Lamas
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