Friday, March 07, 2025

After over 70 years of “civil rights” (read: race war by black supremacists and communist/racial socialist, white “allies” against decent Whites), reading to become informed about urban issues is less productive than playing solitaire

[“exodus in Maryland: 7 places losing residents at alarming rates”]

By Abolish Tenure and Nicholas Stix
thursday, march 6, 2025 at 7:26:00 a.m. est

So, fifty years of watching the rotating pool of “Community Development” and “Grant Specialist” grifters hasn’t snagged enough of other people’s money for “streetscapes” and “incubator projects” to be a “catalyst” for “downtown redevelopment” with nearby “affordable housing” conveniently located near “mass transit”... turns out that the rotating pool was just water and money circling the drain. It’s a charming dead twig of a tree planted in the middle of a fancy brick sidewalk in front of an empty pizza joint in the native habitat of druggies with voices in their heads.

AT, I went back and hit the link to the original “thing,” and it was less informative than reading nothing.

It’s at a Web site called husky report, all of which appears to be written by a mook named Glen Parker.

“this article will look at seven Maryland towns where people are choosing to leave and investigate the complicated issues driving this outward migration.”

But there are no “complicated issues.” There’s just blacks.


“baltimore, formerly a vibrant industrial hub, has faced challenges in recent decades. despite its rich historical and cultural attractions, the city has struggled with high crime rates, poverty, and a declining job market. these factors have contributed to a continuous population drop in recent years. according to the United States census bureau, baltimore’s population fell from 620,961 in 2010 to 585,708 in 2020.”

Glen Parker acted as if three things caused what one did: “high crime rates.” High crime causes poverty and chases away business, and thus jobs. And of course, the crime is black crime.

The other cities Glen Parker cites are Hagerstown, Cumberland, Salisbury, Elkton, Aberdeen and Frostburg….


“Elkton, a small town in Cecil county, has struggled to keep up with the growing cost of living in the area. its closeness to larger urban areas with more job opportunities may also contribute to population loss as people relocate in quest of better chances. data from the United States census bureau could reveal prospective changes in Elkton’s population figures.”

What are the “larger urban areas” nearby “with more job opportunities”? No such places exist.

“factors contributing to population loss

“several underlying issues are influencing the population decrease in these Maryland towns:

• “Maryland’s cost of living is relatively high when compared to other states. This covers housing prices, taxes, and the cost of basic commodities and services. [Because of higher levels of blacks (crime and welfare)!]

• “economic downturn, a decreasing industrial base, or a scarcity of various employment opportunities might make it difficult for residents to obtain well-paying work. [Ditto.]

• “people are less likely to live in towns with high crime rates or public safety concerns. [Redundancy alert: The sentence was over at “rates.”]

• “limited access to quality education, healthcare, cultural amenities, and recreational opportunities can lower a community’s overall quality of life. [“Diversity” can lower a community’s overall quality of life.]


“the population loss in several Maryland municipalities is a complex subject with no simple answers. rising living costs, a lack of opportunities, and safety concerns are all key factors. recognizing these problems and adopting focused revival initiatives is critical.

“while reversing population decrease may be a long-term effort, implementing solutions [like what?!] to improve the quality of life, economic opportunity, and affordability in these towns could slow outward migration and help these communities thrive again.”

Glen Parker seeks to fill space with empty words, in order to be able to sell ads between them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blacks aren't leaving,they have run of the city--law free. Whites are escaping,that's the reason for "population drop."