Wednesday, September 04, 2024

VA-DC crime count: negro "shopping cart" serial killer indicted for third murder (how many more were there?)

By "W"
wednesday, september 4, 2024 at 01:55:21 p.m. edt

VA-DC crime count: negro "shopping cart" serial killer indicted for 3rd murder

The public at large is supposed to believe that Whites are the overwhelming favorites to be serial killers. But maybe not... In any event, chalk up these murders of opportunity, and thousands more over the decades, to the refusal to repatriate congoids after April 9, 1865.

this report includes a pix of the congoid accused of murdering at least three females, maybe more:

"murder trial for Anthony Eugene Robinson to proceed as planned; 'shopping cart killer' nickname prohibited during proceedings - Cville right now"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Kanye(the not millionaire version)West.