Wednesday, September 11, 2024

tenured, dnc racist offers analysis of the debate that sounds like something he’d written BEFORE fake vice president Kamala Harris was exposed as having copied and pasted fake president Joe Biden’s platform

“the question

“who won the debate?

“it was the first time former [sic] President Donald Trump and [fake] vice president Kamala Harris have met in person–and it was in front of millions on the debate stage. the 90-minute abc news debate quickly turned contentious and Harris ended the evening by calling for a second showdown. so did Harris offer fresh air to Trump’s same old playbook? or did Trump do what Trump does and did Harris fall short? our writers weigh in:”

“by Justin Gest

“professor at George Mason university’s Schar school of policy and government

“in America’s divided political environment—when democrats and republicans cannot agree on many basic facts about public challenges, let alone policies to address them—viewers of last night’s debate between former [sic] President Donald Trump and vice president Kamala Harris will leave with very different conclusions.

“but there is one thing that almost any witness will acknowledge: Harris is the candidate of change.

“entering the 2024 election cycle, Americans were exhausted. there was a sense that the same old debates were being rehashed by the same old men. and yet, because of their control over party apparatuses, it was Trump and [fake] president Biden at the top of the national ballot again. voters wanted to consume something fresh, something new. and they were told to reheat leftovers from last week.

“in nominating Harris after Biden’s july 21 abdication [sic], democrats ran the risk that she was not enough of a break from the white house.

despite her west wing office, Harris has now left no doubt.

“in tuesday evening’s broadcast, the vice president deftly communicated that she embodied the refresh Americans yearned for—playing her greatest political advantage….”


Anonymous said...

The # of people who watched this 3 on 1 debate was 22 million people. The last episode of M*A*S*H attracted 108 viewers 41 years ago.

No one cared last night


Anonymous said...

108 million viewers.