Thursday, September 05, 2024

See the face of evil: mug shots of Colt Gray

Mug shots of Colt Gray

N.S.: My contributors guessed right about the shooter’s race.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 5, 2024 at 12:52:00 a.m. edt

Dad in the house, hunting enthusiasts—the only other way the sheriff could be more explicit in saying and describing that the kid was White would be to bring a White, 14-year-old stunt double to the presser and say, “This is what the perp looks like...mostly.”


By AbolishTenure
thursday, september 5, 2024 at 1:28:00 p.m. edt

Not so sure about the delay in a getting a photo. “Gray” could go either way but “Colt” sounds totally White. Too much of a stretch to think that it’s short for Quoltavious or Colt’a Kinte.

FYI 2020 Census stats from ickypedia: with (2000 in parens) and I hope the columns and line breaks survive the blogging software. The big mover, as in most of the southeast, is the españolificación. That 13% in 2020 is probably well on the way to 20%+ by 2030.

.................................. Winder ..................Barrow County
White.........................59% (75%)..................67% (84%)
black......................... 20% (17%)...................12% (10%)
‘panic........................ 13% (4%).....................13% (3%)
others & mixed.......... 8% (4%)...................... 8% (3%)

And for what it’s worth, pronounced with a long I sound, WYNE-der. Not with a short I, as in Archie Bunker’s response to Gloria whining about murders and the need for gun control: “Would it make ya feel any better, little girl, if they wuz pushed outta windas?”

By Jerry PDX
thursday, september 5, 2024 at 5:26:00 p.m. edt

Pictures of Colt Gray have been released. Long-haired White kid who looks about to turn into what we would have called a hippie back in the day:

He may not be black or mex, but I’d be willing to bet he’d call himself woke.


Anonymous said...

Could have been Coltavious,but his name would have had to be Cuntavious if he was negro--and not released so quickly.One for GRA,10,000 for N.S.


Anonymous said...

The screenplay: Act I was the shooting on Wednesday. Act II is the trial on Thursday morning. Act III is the execution, Thursday noon. The final lines:

Colt: "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my [smirks] colt, dead hands."

Head of the Firing Squad: "Your terms are acceptable.... 3... 2... 1... FIRE!"

[Shots. Perp drops dead. Crowd cheers. Fade to black. Roll credits.]

~ T H E E N D ~