Friday, September 06, 2024

“recession assured, stimulus will follow (more debt)”

[“Jeffrey Sachs: a front row seat to the cold war that never ended.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, september 5, 2024 at 7:18:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) the coming recession - which is now virtually assured as the the 2s10s [?] yield curve disinverted yesterday for the first time after 26 months - will only be a catalyst for the next mega stimulus package, something which gold is well aware of and is eagerly waiting for as it retests its all time highs”

GRA: When gas prices hit the skids, even though the mideast is one missile attack away from an oil shock, it’s an indictator of SOMETHING recessionary. I filled up with $3 a gallon today. china is going to lead this worldwide recession, according to what I read, but economic forecasts change as often as the wind direction.


1 comment:

AbolishTenure said...

Broke and broker. Infuriatingly ironically, Republicans are using the open border as a way to distract from big spending. Speaker Mike McBible is going to bundle a Continuing Resolution with it the weirdly-named SAVE to prevent illegal immigrants from voting this November, as if Dem.-controlled states are really going to comply. Then they adjourn for campaigning, so everybody be sure to Send Money Now to and vote for the lesser of two evils to renew the charade for 2025-2026.