Monday, September 16, 2024

Questions without answers, regarding the newest assassination attempt on the President

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 16, 2024 at 12:35:00 a.m. edt

What’s the deal? Are they down to 12 guys in s.s.?

To be able to sneak in with a large weapon—disassembled or not—is outrageous. My friend, from up north, is going to see a J.D. Vance rally, on a farm in sparta (12 miles north of grand rapids) on Tuesday. To get a ticket, he had to give his identity, with proof, to get clearance from the secret service, to be approved.

In florida, just walk on the course and hide with your weapon—Pennsylvania, too.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 16, 2024 at 1:01:00 a.m. edt

Sean Hannity said, “this was another security failure.”

He also went on to say, “the upcoming report on the Butler, Pa. assassination attempt—according to Richard Blumenthal—will be shocking to the American public, in that the failure of the secret service was so immense.”


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 16, 2024 at 1:09:00 a.m. edt

Here’s a point: We must assume that Routh WAS NOT HIT by the secret service sniper, judging from the pic of the perp in the le vehicle. Why wasn’t he hit? Then, if Routh was not hit, in his hiding spot, why didn’t he follow through with his mission and fire HIS weapon? Unknown. Instead, he gets up and runs to his nissan, and drives away.

What the hell actually happened?


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, september 16, 2024 at 1:54:00 a.m. edt

“(Breitbart) as many as four to six shots were fired by the secret service. it remains unknown if the would-be assailant returned fire.”

GRA: I reiterate: What the hell happened? They couldn’t hit him once out of six shots?


By AbolishTenure
monday, september 16, 2024 at 12:03:00 p.m. edt

Trump not given perimeter protection because he’s not the “sitting President”.... so it’s either “sitting President” or “sitting duck”?

(Settle down, you haitians, it’s an idiom, you idiots, not the kind of duck you grab at the park and cook.)


Anonymous said...

"...if Routh was not hit, in his hiding spot, why didn’t he follow through with his mission and fire HIS weapon?"
This is going to be an unpopular observation, but I've had this suspicion that the "near miss" of the first assassin was deliberate, perhaps to throw a scare into Trump and "bring him in line" in case he actually does win. (Right after the shooting, he made a statement that he was going to "work with" the Dems if elected- quite a concession toward people who want to kill you! And I'm not sure if it was before or after the attempt that the GOP officially changed their platform to full support of abortion and LGBT causes.)
Now, another "near miss," by someone the government obviously set up for the purpose. ???

Seemed odd to me as well that when Trump was shot, instead of shock or surprise (which you'd think would be an automatic response), he pumps his fist in the air, as if he knew what was coming. Make of that what you will.

Maybe it's all "theater." Good post from Barnhardt on the topic:


Anonymous said...

The fbi found out Ryan Routh was on the golf course for 12 hours,based on his cellphone pings. Now what about the day before?Did he just happen to show up at Trump's golf course on a day when Trump decided on a round an hour before going?

Did he go there everyday or what pattern was there in his movements in relation to where Trump happened to be?

Were people keeping track of Trump--and then putting two and two together,figuring Trump would PROBABLY go golfing while he was in West Palm Beach? Was that TRUMP'S pattern,while in this city?

More questions,I know.


Anonymous said...

The first attempt was the real deal. This one has "question marks" all over it--many of those questions I've asked here on NSU. No one--not even the assassin was hit. Was this a "message" to P.T.?

I think about how Ross Perot,who was very popular,turned around on a dime and dropped out in 1992,because of a threat from the powers that be. Trump is,as they used to say,"New York tough",but what if tptb go after his kids? That could be next.