Wednesday, September 04, 2024

More congoid murders: They start ‘em young in Louisiana; 11-year-old bLACK killed his 82-year-old and 31-year-old relatives with multiple gunshots each (the cops refused to give more precise information on the relations between the killer and his victims, in order to better protect him, even though he’s already confessed)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, september 4, 2024 at 12:56:00 a.m. edt

“(Breitbart) police in Minden, Louisiana, revealed on monday that an 11-year-old boy confessed to the murder of former mayor Joe Cornelius Sr., age 82, and his 31-year-old daughter, Keisha Miles.

“Cornelius, who was appointed interim mayor of Minden by the city council in 2013 following his predecessor’s death, was found dead sunday morning at his home east of Shreveport, Louisiana. his daughter was found dead along with him, and the two were killed by multiple gunshot wounds. on monday, an unidentified boy, age 11, confessed to the murders. per nbc news:

“chief Jared McIver identified the boy as a relative of Cornelius’ but declined to provide additional details and said authorities have not determined a possible motive. he said the child’s age [N.S.: and sex!] limited what information police could release about his relationship to the victims.

“he is being held on two counts of first-degree murder and his bond was set at $500,000, McIver said. he said it was unclear whether the child has a lawyer to speak on his behalf.

[N.S.: I’m sure that at press time, the killer did not have counsel, because the cops and msm spoke of him as having confessed. As soon as a heinous black killer of any age gets a defense attorney assigned, the liar, er, lawyer gets him to lie and recant his honest confession, the judge always submits to that tactic, and we’re supposed to act as if the killer never confessed, and gets the presumption of innocence. No! Once you’ve confessed to a crime, unless the cops beat it out of you, the presumption of innocence goes out the window! As for those “allies” who always claim, like fake scholar, Saul Kassin, that the cops “psychologically coerce” criminals to confess, that is part of the arsenal of lies used to aid and abet colored cut-throats. Deception is perfectly legal as a police tactic, and that is all Kassin, et al., are talking about.]

“the bodies of Cornelius and Miles were found with multiple gunshot wounds, said McIver, who said that two handguns were used and that their magazines were emptied. McIver said the handguns had been hidden on the property and that the calibers matched shell casings at the scene.”

[N.S.: Eleven years old, and he already knew to hide his murder weapons! Then again, White six-year-old Kayla Rolland’s racist, six-year-old, black murderer, Dedrick Owens, also knew to hide his murder weapon. Owens also knew how to load the clip in the murder weapon he had brought from home. Knowing to hide murder weapons is something a young monster is taught. It’s not instinctual.]

“officers were first suspicious of the boy after he relayed ‘a story at first that just didn’t add up,’ according to McIver. by sunday afternoon, he confessed to the murders and reportedly showed no remorse.

“‘what I would say would be remorseful — sadness, sorrowful, apology, crying — none of those things happened,’ McIver said tuesday.”

GRA: Natural-born killers.



Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're referring to the CP5--among others--about making confessions and retracting them. Now they live like royalty.
What a world.


Nicholas said...

Correct, GRA.