Tuesday, September 10, 2024

illegal alien crisis in springfield, ohio goes beyond haitian criminals stealing and eating Americans' pets and park wildlife, to their spreading diseases and rape danger in public schools, as 20-year-old criminals take classes with 14-year-old girls



Anonymous said...

Rape them and eat them--from head to toe. Kitty was just practice.


AbolishTenure said...

I had to look around to answer the question "So where's Gov. Mike DeWine, (R-Ohio)?" Just like I had dig deep to find the answer to "So where's Gov. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) in this East Palestine train derailment?" Turns out that for Springfield-au-Prince, he's taken the mighty steps of sending more money (i.e., more welfare) and "troopers". No one-way buses to New York or Hyannisport (ferry to the Vineyard) or the Harrisemhoff residence. Not a huge National Guard presence but some "troopers". Not any SWAT teams with their federal surplus military equipment, just "troopers". I hope no Haitians were displaced from their motels to accommodate the "troopers" for as many news cycles as it takes for disappear this from the headlines.

Anonymous said...

According to 90% of media and democrats,it's not happening...not happening...not happening. The story isn't true...you will soon be under our control...keep following the timepiece...back and forth...there are no Haitians in Springfield...repeat after me...there are no Haitians in Springfield.