Thursday, September 12, 2024

"great replacement job shock: 1.3 million native Americans just lost their jobs, replaced by 635,000 immigrants"

friday, september 6, 2024 at 06:45:05 p.m. edt

"great replacement job shock: 1.3 million native-born Americans just lost their jobs, replaced by 635,000 immigrants"

Good thing I am White and not an American.

Otherwise, I might be concerned about being dispossessed amid the race to the globalist bottom.


Anonymous said...

Only in "America".


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is like the smelly old uncle who was once arrested for indecent exposure.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for our country. It already has one foot in hell.

Anonymous said...

Every time you post it's "indecent exposure".


Anonymous said...

That's the liberal foot.


Anonymous said...

True, GRA.

Anonymous said...


GRA:This new papal philosophy goes hand in hand with globalism--all countries should be destroyed by immigration--and there is no particular religion to follow--they're ALL good.But that's not what's in the New Testament--the basis of Catholicism. The "Pope" is nuts--like biden?Or just evil.

(Breitbart)ROME — Pope Francis told young people in Singapore on Friday that all religions are paths to God, an affirmation that seems to counter the Christian belief in Jesus Christ as the sole savior of humanity.

In an interreligious meeting with youth at Singapore’s Catholic Junior College, the pontiff underscored the importance of interreligious dialogue, insisting that there is no point in arguing about who is right since everybody is right.

If people start fighting over whose religion is more important “or saying, ‘Mine is the true religion; yours isn’t true,’ where does that lead? Where?” the pope asked.

Someone in the audience answered, “Destruction,” to which Pope Francis assented.

“Exactly,” he said. “All religions are a path to reach God. They are, to use a comparison, like different languages, different dialects to get there.”

GRA:That is not a Catholic pope.