Tuesday, September 03, 2024

cbs noise promotes Emmett Till hoaxer Timothy Tyson (video)

By Nicholas Stix

544,961 views jan 31, 2017
“in 1955, a 21-year-old White woman named Carolyn Bryant claimed a black teenager, Emmett Till, made sexual advances toward her. that claim led to Till’s kidnapping and death. historian Timothy Tyson says the woman has broken her silence for the first time to recant her story. Tyson joins CBS This Morning to discuss his new book, The Blood of Emmett Till, which examines Bryant’s claims.”

First of all, it wasn’t Carolyn Bryant who told her husband that Till had made sexual advances to her, it was a black man who had witnessed the incident. She tried to keep it a secret, in order to protect Till. It was only after the husband had already heard the story from the black man, that she confirmed what had happened.

Timothy Tyson is an evil, professional liar. Carolyn Bryant Donham never recanted her story. Tyson gave his tape of the interview with Donham to the UNC Archive, which made a public, official statement, declaring that there was no recantation on the tape. Tyson responded that she had recanted before he turned on the tape recorder. If that were true, he would have asked her to repeat what she’d said, with the tape running.

Why did Timothy Tyson lie about Carolyn Bryant Donham? For two reasons. 1. Financial fraud. Without Donham’s “recantation,” Tyson would never have gotten his book deal. Contrary to what one of the hosts here claimed, his book otherwise had nothing new to offer. Tyson swindled his publisher out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

2. In order to get Carolyn Bryant Donham lynched. Tyson ignited a movement that sought to hunt her down and lynch her.

This was not Timothy Tyson’s first case of defaming an innocent White, and attempting to get that person lynched. In 2006, he supported the Duke Rape Hoax. He was one of the Gang of 88 Duke faculty, who all signed a petition which sought to get three innocent, White lacrosse players railroaded into prison, so that they would have been gang-raped and murdered by black felons, on the word of Crystal Gail Mangum, a career criminal (prostitute and attempted cop-killer). All of the 88 knew there had been no rape, but they didn’t care. They wanted to see innocent White men lynched.

Tyson had grown up the son of a racist, anti-White activist.

Timothy Tyson is evil. He belongs to a class of Whites who call themselves “allies.” Allies seek to aid and abet black criminals, and destroy the lives of innocent Whites.

“historian on Emmett Till’s accuser recanting story”

The Story of Emmett Till: Facts vs. Racist Fairy Tales



Anonymous said...

Anything written by "historians",post-Trump,has to be considered null and void--and not believable--for one second.


Anonymous said...

What's the genre when you combine history and fiction?Easy--it's fiction.