Saturday, September 07, 2024

Bidenomics, and the death of the consumer economy: over a third of U.S. adults now struggle to pay for their most basic expenses

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, september 7, 2024 at 09:20:40 p.m. edt

death of the consumer economy: over a third of U.S. adults now struggle to pay for their most basic expenses



Anonymous said...

The killer is insurance--house and car--though State Farm at least held their price steady the last year vs Hanover(whom I dropped).


Anonymous said...

NBC "News Special" from 1974 on "The New South:"
The propaganda piece profiles two families, one black and one white, and shows how everyone is getting along just fine since the passage of the Civil Rights Act 20 years earlier. This is the part that struck me:
"Both families live comfortably because the men hold two jobs and their wives work."
Think about that. FIFTY YEARS AGO a man had to kill himself working around the clock, and the wife had to work as well, in order to "live comfortably" (whatever that meant at that time).
And who was raising the kids? NOBODY.
If they were like the kids I went to school with, they were "hanging out," drinking and getting high.
I love when people think all this garbage just started recently. The social engineering- destruction of the family, forcing women out of the house (they were taught to think being a "housewife" was something terrible), leaving the kids on their own- has been well-planned. It's only reaching its culmination today.


Anonymous said...

Many Whites don't have kids anymore--that's why Dems love that abortion("reproductive rights")--it helps keep the demographics down for Whitey.


Anonymous said...

Totally woke commercial of the day:

4 Imprint--whose business is creating ways for people to get their products known to a target group through promotion--showing Whites with blacks in every quick scene or blacks by themselves.

Seen on Fox's "The Hill" at 10:50 a.m.

You'd think that blacks run the country(yes,some areas,they do--into the ground.)