Sunday, April 07, 2024

Breaking News: Astronomers Announce Total Eclipse Calculations were an Early April Fool’s Joke that No One at NASA Had the Guts to Say was a Gag: Moon Won’t be Anywhere Near the Sun on Monday—i.e., No Eclipse

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, april 6, 2024 at 2:38:00 a.m. edt

GRA: Wouldn’t it be something if two hours before this eclipse thing was supposed to happen, NASA came out and said, “April Fool’s?”

THEN you’d see White people riot.

By the way, are any blacks interested in this phenomena, traveling hundreds of miles to sit in the dark for three minutes? I haven’t seen one yet on tv say they are. The blacks are watching all the Whites leave their houses for easy robbing, though.

“We gonna eclipse their jewelry and appliances while they’s gone,” said one of two unidentified negroes wearing unapproved eclipse sunglasses.

“It’s gonna get REAL dark around Whitey’s house, once they leave,” said another black.

Happy Total Eclipse Day.




Anonymous said...

After the fact:The "eclipse" in Grand Rapids,at 95%,was hardly noticeable.I went for a walk--after driving to an open area--expecting much darker conditions,but even with 5% sunlight,it was a very bright scene.
Nothing to write to NSU about really,lol.
Next total eclipse in GR in 75 years,see you then.


Anonymous said...


GRA:I watched nbc's taped coverage of the total eclipse tonight on you tube and the most striking thing(besides the eclipse itself)was the complete lack of blacks in attendance in all locations.I'd guesstimate the ratio of Whites to blacks at 1000(or more):1.This was true,even in demographically significant black cities such as Dallas,Little Rock and Indianapolis.White people were fascinated with the eclipse and came out in tremendous numbers.

The reason I bring this up is because of the safety factor,which has deteriorated lately at parades,spring break,beaches etc.,where blacks have started making their presence known--with violence and gunfire the result.

Today,with blacks abstaining at an almost 100% number,the "eclipse enthralled" Whites did not have to worry about gang gunfire--for a change.

So blacks hate "total eclipses"--there's a new fact for the NSU encyclopedia.


Anonymous said...

"By the way, are any blacks interested in this phenomena, traveling hundreds of miles to sit in the dark for three minutes?"

I am a negro man and a professor of astronomy. But today too remember is the NCAA basketball championship. I as a negro man more interested in that. Got some big money bet on someone. Guess where my interest is?

Anonymous said...

Not Purdue--they have a White guy at center,"negro man."


Anonymous said...

"By the way, are any blacks interested in this phenomena, traveling hundreds of miles to sit in the dark for three minutes?"

That is what it is. Lots of anticipation and then over in 3 minutes. Everyone watching gone from their spot in about 10 minutes.